Chapter 4 - Day 2 Part 1

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Bucky was awoken with a splash of cold water on his face, causing him to gasp and bolt upright. The cold liquid ran down his face, embedding itself into his sweatshirt and beard. Shockwaves rocked his body as he struggled to open his eyes, his body heavy. Before he knew it, he was being dragged out of bed, cold air hitting every inch of exposed skin it could. Finally, he opened his eyes and found almost every female Avenger (As well as Sam who had a grin of pure delight drenching each of his features). He wriggled out their hold on him and tried to stand fully up and away from everyone, only to feel faint. He staggered to the nearest table and leaned against it, trying to wake up properly. Like usual he ran his hand down his face, feeling his now overgrown stubble that scratched his calloused hand. Each moment caused dizziness to spiral through his body, the early wake up putting a bleak outlook on his entire day.

"Just, hold on a minute and let me wake up before you drag me away to whatever hellish activity you have planned today," Bucky muttered, pulling out a chair and collapsing into it. He drew in a breath, feeling his wits being stretched after what happened the day before. His vision finally cleared to where it wasn't foggy, and he watched the crowd that had gathered around him.

"When you talked about him before I assumed he was some warrior, I am mistaken," The robotic blue woman (He believed it was Nebula, but the reason she was here escaped him) scoffed, rolling her eyes at Bucky. He finally saw everyone who was there clearly; Wanda, Gamora, Nebula, Mantis, Shuri, Valkyrie, Sharon, Hope, Clint's wife Laura, Natasha and even the team's newest arrival from SHIELD, Daisy. Sam stood to the side of the girl posse, a grin tearing across his face, threatening to tear skin if it got any larger. Each woman stared Bucky down, their arm's crossed.

"We've taken times out our day to help you upon Captain Rogers request, so we hope you can handle that, or should we just go home now?" Sharon asked, giving an icy glare to Bucky. His muscles tensed at this, looking at Laura in particular.

"Who's looking after your kids?" He asked softly, his gaze not leaving hers. The eye contacted last a second before relief flushed Laura's face.

"Clint's got them covered today, but I'm more worried about you. Big day tomorrow, I know how important it was to Clint," She explained simply, a soft smile gracing her features. Each woman paused, a few of them looking uncomfortable being placed into a stereotypical feminine situation (Particularly Nebula and Natasha).

"Well, he's not getting cleaned up himself, unless that's how men usually present themselves here," Shuri mused, her smirk rubbing a few people present the wrong way.

"Yes, you're fine now. Let's get you fixed up," Wanda instructed, grabbing Bucky's arm and pulling him from his seat. Bucky carefully pulled his arm from her grip, giving her a confused look. She shrugged lightly in reply, pushing her brown hair behind her ears.

"I can walk on my own, but you can all lead the way I guess," He suggested, only for each woman to stride ahead, Sam following close behind and whispering excitedly to Daisy. Shuri bumped Bucky's shoulder on her way past him, practically grabbing his attention.

"Good job, White Wolf," She teased, before chasing after Valkyrie. Bucky watched for a moment, unsure of what to do next. Each of these people were here for him, all of them in one place, to help him with his soulmate. Never had he felt such a sense of community, not even in the army or howling commandos.


"What are we starting with girls?" Hope asked, pulling Bucky's head back as he tried to get comfortable in the computer chair they had stolen. It seemed to recline fully back, and Bucky soon found himself with a face full of shaving cream and an old-fashioned razor in Wasp's hand, as each girl messed around with whatever they could.

Days Away - Bucky Barnes x Reader - Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now