Chapter 1

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I woke up at 6:00, hearing my alarm clock blasting music. Today is September 1st the day that I head back to Hogwarts. I have to get up early to get ready to get on the Hogwarts Express. I already went to Diagon Ally a week ago and got my supplies for my fifth year. I'm a pure blood but not a prissy one who thinks their better than everyone else. I don't look down on muggles and muggleborns. Some slythrins would call me a blood traitor, like the Weasleys.

"Breakfasts ready" my mom calls from downstairs.

"Ok I'm coming" I call back.

I walk downstairs grabbing the latest book I'm reading. It's about two people who meet at school and don't know their soul mates and have to find out. I love reading, I can go through a book a day if I try, which I do. I always carry a spare book with me just in case. I grab some toast and put jelly on it and sit down and start reading. My long curly brown hair falls in my face, so I put it up in a ponytail. I usually wear it up due to not being able to do much easier lose withought it becoming a ball of poof. I push up my purple glasses further on my face, and they make my blue eyes look bigger. I'm getting near the end of the book and I notice I'm almost late for the train. I run upstairs and grab my trunk with my whole book collection for the year for me to read which is roughly 50 books. What, you got to be prepared incase you run out of books. That's the worst thing that can happen. Also I usually get more for Christmas too from all my friends and family. What can I say it's easy to shop for me. The books at hogwarts are school related which are okay but I like muggle books more. It's not fun to read if it's for school.

"We got to go or we'll be late" I yell to my mom.

We get in the car and go to Kings Cross Station. I kiss her goodbye and run to my friends compartment. My friends Leo Jordan (Lee Jordan's twin brother), Emily Roberts, and Jenna Smith. 

Emily is a half-blood and the angry person in the group, she sticks up for us ravenclaws and doesn't take anything from anyone. So you don't want to mess with her. Jenna is the nice one who offers advice and calms Emily down. But she can pack a punch if she wants to. Leo is the jokester like his brother. He always makes us laugh. 

"I missed you so much Rose. Why didn't you contact us all summer. We thought you were dead." Said Emily giving me a death glare.

"I was busy reading all summer and might have forgot about sending you letters. When I did remember I was going to see you soon any ways. It wasn't that long anyways." I sat down across from Jenna and next to Leo.

"Not long, summers a whole two months and you are forgiven if we win the house cup this year." Said Jenna.

"I can't promise that but we'll try this year. If we haven't won in the past decade I don't think it's going to ever happen." Emily is a chaser for Ravenclaw and Jenna and I are beaters. Leo does announcing with his twin brother. While Lee supports Gryffindor, Leo supports Ravenclaw. So teh commenting is always interesting during a Gyffindor V.S. Ravenclaw game.

"I feel like Roger will have us training harder than ever since its his last year. Also Gryffindor will be trying harder since its Oliver's last year too." Leo stated.

"I hope it won't be that long of practice. With OWLs this year and practice I won't have enough time to read my new books." I said with worry. 'And with my condition I'm exhausted all the time.' I added in my head.

"Tell me how many books have you read over the summer?" Emily asked

"Don't worry it's only in the low hundreds." I said casually.

"You act like that's not many when-" suddenly a dungbomb went off in the compartment. We started coughing and ran out. Then I see the Weasley twins laughing at us.

"You idiots! I'm going to kill you for that" Emily yells and starts chasing after them. They had a look of horror on their faces and they have reason to worry. The last person that did that to us couldn't walk for a week cause of Emily. As they run away, Emily was trying to hex them. We're laughing as they run back and one of them knocks me over, I think it's Fred. Fred falls on top of me and stares at me wide eyed as George trips over us and falls down also.

"Oops, your friend was chasing us I didn't see you there. Your Rose right, your a Ravenclaw beater?" Fred asked with curiosity.

"Yeah that's us the ultimate ravenclaw beater duo." I said with confidence sliping a arm around Jenna.

"Are you kidding me, we are the ultimate duo." Fred says pointing at him and George

"Just because you are twins does not mean you are the best team. We are twins at heart. Twin sister from another mister. Also this year we are going to demolish you gryffindors." I said getting closer and narrowing my eyes.

"Bring it on. We'll see who wins." He says mimicking me.

"Oh by the way I'm George Weasley" Fred says sticking his hand out "and I'm Fred Wealsey" George says doing the same.

"So your Fred and your George" I say pointing to the right ones.

"How did you know we switched?" Asked George.

"I don't know I just can." I said with a shrug.

"Nobody can ever tell us apart. Not ever our mom. Sometimes even we forget who's who from pretending we're the other twin."

"We're almost to Hogwarts, we should go change. Nice meeting you despite the circumstances." I nod towards Emily who is still angry and giving them a dirty look.

They leave and we go change into our robes with blue ties. I think the color blue fits me well. I'm happy with the house I'm in I wanted to be in Ravenclaw because I'm very smart and also I have a uniqueness to me. The train stops and we get off and hop into a carriage pulled by a black winged horse. If your wondering why I can see them. My father was shot in our house during a robbery. I was only 3 years old. I don't remember him much. My mom doesn't talk about him much and I don't ask her much. I can tell it make her sad to think about him. We get to hogwarts and have the great feast. 

Dumbledore gives his annual speech "blah blah blah don't go in the forbidden forest blah blah blah Sirius Black." Wait what who's that? Hm mass murderer. Wonder where he is. Hope he doesn't come here.

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