Chapter 6: Ignorance

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Caroline POV 

The morning after we had dinner with the Parkers and Ned I was looking at Jeremy over the table with worry. He had dark rings around his eyes and I heard him leave late last night and he never came back until about 5am, 2 hours ago. We sat in silence eating our cereal until I broke the silence. 

"We should probably leave, so we can get to school and get our schedules and try not be late for first period" I Said and he nodded and stood grabbing both our bowls to put in the sink. We collected our bags and I started trying to work up the courage to talk to Jeremy. I finally did just before we left the apartment. "Where did you last night Jer?" I asked and he seemed shocked, probably thought I was asleep. 

"It doesn't matter" he said as he opened the door. I got annoyed, do you blame me? I mean imagine your best friend sneaking off to god knows where in a city he's never been to before and doing god knows what and being all shady about it. 

"Urrr Yeah Yeah it does Jeremy!!" I shouted as we left the apartment. 

"Just drop it Care Alright?!! That was last night this is now it's in the past just leave it!!" He shouted before he walked ahead leaving me to lock the door on my own. He better be glad he's got his motorbike cause I wouldn't be giving him a ride. 

"Hey, urrr, Caroline, everything urrr Alright?" I heard a quiet voice ask and turned to see Peter and Ned stood like they were walking down the hall from Peters apartment but stopped at mine and Jeremy's fighting. 

"Yeah yeah I'm good just Jeremy's being an asshole" I muttered and started locking the door. "I mean I get he's got his secrets but we usually share everything, you know? And now he decides to sneak off in the middle of the night to god knows where, you'd be worried if you were me right?" I ranted to the 2 teens. 

"Yeah yeah would totally be worried" muttered Ned, it's cute how nervous I made them. "I mean how long have you and Jeremy, you know?" He said even more nervous. I looked at him confused hoping he'd elaborate. "Dated?" And if I had a drink Bitch it would have been spit out all the way to Africa, instead I just choked on air. 

"God no me and Jeremy aren't dating. He's just my best friend who I'm oretty sure is gay" I told them and they nodded. "I mean he's never really told me specifically his sexuality but I'm pretty sure he slept with Kol before he left Denver" I said absent mindedly. "So do you guys want a ride to school or..?" I asked as we got outside the building to where my car was parked. Jeremy's bike wasn't there, asshole. 

"We usually take the bus.." started Peter until I grab his arm and shoved him into the backseat. "Guess that's settled then" I heard him mutter as Ned got into the passenger seat. 

"So I'll come get Peter on a morning and we'll come pick you up if your not already here, that Okay Ned?" I asked and he nodded so I smirked and started driving. God New York traffic was so much different to Mystic Falls, probably why I could dive in it better. And probably why Ned and Peter seemed to be holding on for dear life. "Midtown High you won't know what hit you" I murmured to myself too low for Peter and Ned to hear. 


It was lunch now at school and I've yet to see Jeremy. I heard he's had gym already and apparently he has this 'sick tattoo man you should ha e seen it'. God was I gonna kill that kid or was I gonna kill him. I saw him say with a bunch of stereotypical jocks although he looked ready to punch them. I came up to him and he was about to speak but I slapped him and lifted up his shirt. 

"Where is it Jeremy, huh?!!" I shouted and slapped him again. 

"What the hell are you talking about?!!" He shouted back and I slapped him again. 

"The tattoo you moron, why didn't you tell me you were getting a tattoo I would have seen in eventually why didn't you tel me this morning I thought we were getting better Jeremy I thought you could trust me with stuff like this!!" I Shouted, if I was human I probably would have turned red in the face from how FUCKING ANGRY I was. He stood and led me away from the crowd that had assembled. We were just outside the cafeteria when we stopped walking. 

"Look Care I didn't tell you because today's just not a good day for me. It's just a tattoo, not signing my life away or anything" he reassured me and I nodded. I pulled him into a hug (obviously) and he hugged back. I gladly him kiss the top of my head in that brotherly way he does. "Why don't we got sit with people who aren't nosey asshole who don't know left from right?"  

I giggled and nodded. I wrapped my arm around Jeremy's waist as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. We walked back into the cafeteria and I spotted Peter and Ned at a table near the back. I started walking that way pulling Jeremy with me. We eventually reached the table and sat down. They seemed more nervous than usual. 

"Why do they look like their about to shit themselves?" Asked Jeremy and I can't help but wonder how much cooler that would have sounded with his accent, if only I could I could convince him to use it permanently. 

"Never mind that we need to have a serious conversation." I Said and he turned to me confused. "New plac, new start. No one knows you as the emo-stoner who lost his parents..." I trailed off and he still looked confused. God he's an idiot. "Use your accent you dumbass" I Said and he just laughed. "What's wring with your accent?" I Said. 

"Nothing I just don't get your obsession with it" He said whilst o just glared at him. "Fine Fine I'll use it" he spoke with his Russian accent. Yay!!

"Wait your Russian?" Asked Peter and Jeremy just stared at him with a flat look. 

"No I'm Spanish, Hola" 

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