Chapter 2

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A/N: The arm in the picture above is what Lyra's arm looks like. I don't own the pictures

Chapter 2

Thor POV

Lyra seemed completely at ease with my brother. Most humans seemed to be afraid of him after what happened, she didn't. There was something about her that we hadn't figured out. She had no way to fight him, yet she went in there alone, refused to let us in, and insisted that Loki wouldn't hurt her. She sat down and started talking to him, completely unafraid. At first, he seemed to ignore her but the first response he gave her was a nod. That was good, he usually shouted at me to go away, instantly. Not long after she found cuts on his wrists. "What the hell Loki!" I shouted and started to make my way to his room.

"Thor wait," Dr. Banner called. I kept walking. "Thor, let her talk to him."

"JARVIS, get me the first aid kit," I heard her voice say. She didn't sound angry, why? I would be so pissed. How was she so calm?

"Very well Miss Lyra and the others want to come in especially Thor," JARVIS replied. Steve was trying to hold me back from going down the hall to his room. Bucky was also helping him. It wouldn't be long before others were restraining me.

"Don't allow them in," she said curtly. She wasn't just speaking to JARVIS, to us as well. I went back to watch at the screen, she was right. She needed to be alone with Loki to build a relationship with him to help. If I went in there and started shouting it wouldn't help. She could also get real pissy. I'd rather not have her pissed at me. She may be injured but she could shout and raise hell.

I could also tell she meant it when she said no one was to come in. If I went in there, I would be in trouble with her. Her voice came through the speakers again. "It may help for a while, but the pain always comes back, and I can tell you, it will never fully go away." She was so calm; she wasn't demanding answers of him. Everyone else always had. If he didn't answer she moved on. She just let it go. I was surprised that he let her clean the cuts.

"What would you know?" Loki asked. "You haven't been responsible for the death of thousands of people." He sounded so bitter towards her, but she didn't even blink. She kept working on tending to his self-inflicted wound. Most people couldn't get as close to him as she was right now. What was her secret? I could stand that close but if I tried to talk about the stuff she was he shut down or gave answers that Midgaurdains called BS.

"Not thousands, no. But I have sentenced someone to death," she replied. We all stopped. She had what? She wasn't a killer! No way! She was too kind. "I was on a jury; it was a trial for a murder case. The guy had killed 20 people in the most brutal ways possible. That doesn't make what I did or what the rest of the jury did right. It took me a long time to learn how to live with the fact I put a man to death." Loki sat in silence as she finished cleaning and wrapping his cuts. The rest of us were shocked as well. That explained that, but to vote for death.

"Push up my sleeve," she said gently giving him her arm. What was this? Why did she want him to push up her sleeve? Was she hot? Surely she would just take off her jacket. He looked at her unsure, probably thinking it was a trick. Would she try to trick him? She waited patiently and slowly he reached out for her. He pushed her sleeve up to her elbow and to reveal cuts like his from her wrist up to her elbow.

What had she done to herself? "I know more than you think Loki. This is dangerous, doing this almost cost me my life. I'll help you through this, I'll stand by you. I won't leave you alone to figure it out or deal with any of this. I'll be there for you. That's a promise." She was so sincere. I hoped Loki would listen to her. It would seem she did understand, more than we could. She was trying to show him without taking away from the fact she was there for him. She didn't want this to be about her.

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