Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Weeks turned into months and slowly the city around us was rebuilt. Loki went everywhere with me. He would come with me when Dr. B worked on my back or Tony wanted to try to upgrade my arm. I even brought him with me outside the tower. The others weren't too fond of that idea but he never tried to run. I told him about my life, at least what I was ready to talk about. He didn't push me for answers just as I didn't push him.

Everyone else in the tower tended to give him the cold shoulder; I wanted to be around him. He was easy to be around, unlike Tony. Tony had to fill every moment with the sound of his own voice. I also liked hanging out with Bucky; Bucky didn't need to fill every moment with sound. He knew when to shut up, unlike Tony. Bucky and Dr. B were the only two that didn't give me a hard time about it. Bucky seemed to sense I felt alone and didn't fit in and Loki felt the same way. I wanted to be with company that understood. I knew Bucky got that, I knew sometimes he felt like he didn't belong, given what HYDRA had made him do. Steve was always checking on me when I was with Loki, Tony had JARVIS spy on us, Clint and Nat both tried to spy on us from the rafters. I knew SHIELD probably had their orders too. Thor seemed wary but also seemed to know I could handle myself.

I was glad they wanted to look after me, like family. This almost felt like a family. They didn't know my secret though, why would they want me when they found out? Why wouldn't they accept Loki? He hadn't done anything to hurt them in the months he had been here. He had been pleasant with everyone. He was doing his best not to be rude to them even they were to him and it hurt him. I yelled at them for it quite a bit, but it seemed to have no effect. I had been alone for a long time, having this sort of family was weird, but Loki needed it. Why couldn't they see that? They treated me like I was a kid and not a young adult. I had been taking care of myself for the last ten years.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts as I ran on the indoor track in the tower. It was raining outside, soon to be a major storm. I jokingly blamed Thor. Loki was jogging beside me; this was part of my recovery. "On your left," Steve said passing me. Steve liked running with me, personally, I thought he was just showing off. Sometimes Bucky would run beside me and talk, but most of the time it was Loki at my side.

"Check your blind spots," I called after him not changing my pace. I could run faster but didn't want to right now. Thanks to the brace Tony made I could walk properly, Dr. B was still checking me almost every day. He said he was checking the healing process that the brace was supposed to create. I just went with it. The brace was comfortable so I had it on almost all the time. I looked over at Loki after a few moments of running giving him a mischievous grin. "You want to catch him?" I asked.

"He's a super soldier and you're human. How are you going to catch him?" Loki asked.

"I don't know what I am Loki, I know I can catch him. You have your magic," I replied. I knew Loki wasn't built like his brother but he was still strong and fast. I knew his build had caused him to be picked on growing up. Apparently, Asgaurd wanted people like Thor; big, muscled, everything Loki wasn't. Loki was tall and thin. He may not be as strong as his brother, but he was smart. I thought he was incredibly good looking.

"Show me your speed then," Loki said just as Steve passed again telling us what side he was on. I kicked it up a notch and went after him, leaving Loki behind me. I body slammed Steve, bringing us both down. I knew he had heard me coming and had heard me and Loki talking. But he hadn't been expecting my 5'11 frame to knock his ass to the ground considering I barely weighed 125. Within moments I had Steve on the ground in a choke hold.

"I told you to watch your blind spots," I said as Steve double tapped my arm, telling me to let him up.

"Nicely done, I didn't know you could run that fast," Steve said pulling me to my feet.

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