Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Loki and I made it to the porch just as the rain hit. We looked at each other and laughed before running out into the down pour playing. We left our bags on the porch and chased each other through the rain. I jumped on Loki's back and tried to pull him down into the mud. He just ended up throwing me into it. "You're going to pay for that," I said smiling taking on my wolf form. I started chasing him through the yard.

He was singing the big bad wolf, as I chased him and playfully nipped at him. "Lyra, I'm not that fast, take it easy." I scooped him up so he was sitting on my nose and flipped him onto my back. I rolled him into the mud taking on my human form again.

"Got you," I said kissing him. He kissed back but suddenly a huge clump of mud hit the back of my head.

"Pay backs are hell," he said getting up and running off.

"Oh Loki, you better hope I don't breathe fire because your goose is cooked. Get back here!" I called running after him.

Clint's POV

I took everyone's bags inside as Lyra and Loki played in the yard. I wondered when the last time she had been able to play like this was. I knew she didn't exactly get to play with her brothers and sisters growing up and had spent her young adult life on the streets. She had been in survival mode for years then when she met us we were at war. Tony had taken her in because of her injuries, that allowed her to find her cousin Bruce. "I'm home," I called setting the bags down.

"Daddy!" my kids called running to me. Sarah and Adam came running around the corner. I picked them up and gave them each a kiss as my wife Laura came into the room. "Hey honey, I've brought a few friends with me. They need a place to spread their wings. I said we have room."

"Your friends are welcome any time, where they?" she asked placing a kiss to my lips.

"Playing in the yard," I replied nodding to the window.

"In this cold rain, it's 40 degrees outside," she said.

"They're fine," I said. "Kids, you want to help me take their things to their room?" They both wanted to and grabbed a bag and I took them to the guest room. I set the bags up on the bed and we left to go back to the living room. The two were still playing in the rain, both were soaked and covered with mud. I got up and shouted out the door, "Come on you two, before you catch a cold, dinner's almost ready. You had better transport yourselves straight to the bath tub!"

Lyra's POV

After about three hours of playing in the mud and rain, I heard Clint yelling at us to transport ourselves to the tub. "Did you hear that Loki, we got to get cleaned up for dinner," I said pushing him into the mud again. "Pinned you again."

"Yeah I heard him, transport to the tub coming up, you know that means we'll have to share?" he asked pushing me off him.

"So? You got something I haven't seen before?" I asked.

"You're such a tease."

"Says the one who slept walked naked," I teased.

"You dreamt that remember?"

"Did I?" I joked, pulling his chain. Loki and I had seen each other before, having spent two years living together and almost every night in the same bed, sharing the same bathroom.

"You're such a pain in the ass," he said laughing.

"But you still love me anyway," I replied kissing him. When I pulled away from him we were both in a double shower in the house.

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