Chapter 7

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A/N: The incident in the store I came up with in a dream. I dreamed it from my point of view and I wrote it from Loki's. It was kind of an odd dream.

Chapter 7 Love and Hate

Now that it was known that I had an ability SHIELD wanted me in the field. Fury wouldn't get off my back. I didn't want to go into the field unless Loki was there. I trusted him the most. I knew that if for some reason I lost control he would be able to calm me down. Everyone was against it saying that they could do the same thing. Bucky might be able to, but I was closest to Loki. They said they could calm me down but they seemed to fear what I could do, if they wouldn't get near me how would they calm me?

Loki and I trained even more together, trying to prove to Fury that we could do this. He was my partner if I was a dragon and he my rider then I would only answer to him in that form. Fury didn't seem pleased with that and I didn't want people trying to control Loki. I could hear the whispers from other agents. "She's a dragon. We can't trust her."

"She trusts Loki. She only wants to work with him. How do we know she isn't going to help him take over the world?"

"She's dangerous."

"She has too much power, she must be put down."

"We should study her; we don't know what she is or what risk she may pose."

"She can be a HYDRA experiment."

The whispers were hard to deal with, but the looks of fear and mistrust were harder to deal with, especially from the people I had been living with for almost a year now. Besides Loki, Dr. B and Bucky were the only ones that didn't change towards me. Even Steve seemed to be afraid of what I could do. Tony wasn't afraid of the wolf; he threatened people with me like he did Dr. B but I could tell he was afraid of the dragon.

People in town looked at Loki like they wanted to kill him when they recognized him. I did my best to keep him safe but people still took jabs at him. A few had tried to attack him a time or two; I received dirty looks for just being with him. I received all kinds of curses for defending him.

I didn't know how to transform into the dragon yet, transforming into the wolf when I was younger had been an accident. I didn't know I could do it, my three brothers and two sisters had ganged up on me when I didn't want to play with them and I got angry. I didn't want that to happen again and my biological mother said the rider had to call the dragon. Once the bond was formed there would be an unique call established between the two of us that would awaken and call the dragon and the dragon would be able to hear it no matter how far apart the two were.

I walked back into my quarters to see Loki laying on the sofa with my Ipod and earbuds in. I walked closer and saw he was asleep. I gently pulled out an earbud to hear what he was listening to. Gollum's Song by Enya drifted into my ears. I could understand why he liked that song, why it spoke to him. Just like Gollum he couldn't go home, he was told he didn't try. He was lost, at least where Odin was concerned.

My opinion of Odin wasn't very polite. From what I had heard he had said to Loki, that man shouldn't be a parent. You don't say certain things to kids, especially your own. It was a good thing Odin and I were worlds apart because I would like to tear him limb from limb. Mr. High and mighty had made his son feel so low that he had tried to destroy one planet to please him and then take over and rule another as retaliation. In Odin's opinion, Loki was the one who had failed, I saw it differently. Odin had failed to teach his children to be better than him, he didn't listen to them.

I looked through the rest of the playlist Loki was listening too. It was filled with my sad music, what I listened to when I was having a bad day. Where my Demons Hide(Imagine Dragons), {Bring me to life, My Immortal, Whisper, Tourniquet, Imaginary, Lithium, Missing(Evanscence)}, Sorry seems to be the hardest word(Elton John), If I die young(Band Perry), More than I Deserve(Christian Kane), Save me(Aimee Mann) Learn to be Lonely, The Forgotten(Green Day) The Funeral(Band of Horses), Sound the Bugle(Bryan Adams), Possibility(Lyyke Li), Leave out all the rest(Linkin Park), Nowhere man(Beatles).

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