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One | Bullied

How can anyone possibly love me when I can't even look myself in the mirror anymore? How can anyone want to be friends with me when I can't even walk a solid 2 minutes without out getting tired? How can anyone get so fat?

Hi, I'm Violet. I like to do the same things just like everyone else. I like to talk about boys, gossip, shop, watch YouTube but most of I don't know why but whenever food goes into my mouth it's just so satisfying, tasting all the flavors in that one bite. I weigh at a total of 256 pounds and I'm trying to lose weight but it's easier said than done. You can't just wake up one day and say "Hey Ima lose 50 fucking pounds" most skinny bitches think that's how it works, but I'm here to tell you...IT DOSENT!

"Yo, fatty! You got some food for me to snack on!?" Grayson, the biggest jerk on the face of the planet called out.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. Some of the things they say hurt but I choose not to let them see my weak side because these stuck up assholes aren't worth my time.

As I slowly made my way down the hallway to my class everyone looked at me and snickered away with their little group of friends. Just as I was about to reach my class Graysons girlfriend, Laura came up to me.

"You're pretty" she smiled.

"Thank y-"

"Pretty fat" she laughed out.

"That hurt...bad." I thought.

I walked past her and pretended I didn't hear it, even though I did. When I finally reached my class, I was late. This was the 4th day in a row.

"Miss Woods, Do you mind telling us why you're late?" Mr. Hanks asked, as I stood there looking awkward

Before I could even comprehend what he had just said, Grayson spoke up.

"You know her. She's so fat that she has to stop every 2 minutes." He said, making the whole class laugh at his stupid, but oh so very true remark.

I sat in my normal seat, in the back of the classroom because the seats upfront had those little bar things and I couldn't fit in them.

I stared at the teacher, pretending I was paying attention but actually repeating the harsh words I'd already heard today. Why can't people just leave me alone?

I sat down at a empty table during lunch. Nobody wanted me to sit with them anyways. I debated whether or not to get a lunch, just as I was about to stand up and get one, the staff was packing up the leftover food that nobody ate.

"I'll just not eat anything." I thought.

Just as I was about to get up from the empty table, Grayson came up to me. He had his signature smirk planted on his face.


"Violet," I corrected him "it's Violet."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He rolled his eyes. "You wanna come chill at a party I'm having?"

"No" I scoffed "I have plans" I lied.

"Like working out?" He chuckled.

"That's the exact reason I don't wanna come" I said clutching my book bag in my hand and walking out of the cafeteria.

"Wait!" He called out, running after me.

I just wanted to scream "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET OUTTA MY WAY BEFORE I SHIT ON YA MAMA" but that would seem a little over the top and "unladylike" of me. But on the other hand it's very "unmanlylike" for him to have the nerve to call girls fat.

"Please. Just come, it'll be fun. All my friends will be there"

"Newsflash, pretty boy. You and you're friends are assholes" I scoffed.

"I'm pretty?" He smiled, ignoring the rest of what I said.

"Go suck a toe" I sighed. Walking away from him.

"Come to my party tho! It's Tomorrow night at 7:00" he yelled.

"I don't know why he wants me to go, because I'm not coming anyways. He makes fun of my weight and then he expects me to go to one of his little tea parties? Ha! He can kiss my ass."

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