Ch 26: Forgotten Memories

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He slowly started moving our bodies to the none existing music, guiding me. A smile was plastered on his face while I remained silent. 

What did he exactly mean with it?

''Why?'' I asked moving my feet along with his.

''You know it would get complicated. Perhaps our bond would break have to choose between me or the one you love''

''As long as our bond remains I will always choose you'' I reassured. Its just how it is, the bond......just makes it like that. You can't choose anyone else above the one you're bonded too. Before I got to know Jimin it would be possible, but now not anymore. I would definitely choose Jimin above anyone else.

''But what if our bond breaks because of someone else..... What if someone tries to capture your heart allowing the bond to break?''

It was true this whole situation was just so confusing. Especially since I am aware of feelings. I can catch feelings for someone and care for others beside Jimin. Till now it didn't affect our bond, but it did for other Infernals it caused their bond to break. So who knows what is gonna happen to ours. 

''Then its meant to be that way'' Was all I could reply with a small smile. The thought of it made me sad. Looking into Jimins eyes I feel different. His gaze is gentle and soft, it makes me feel special. Even though he knows I'm an Infernal he looks at me with such a sparkle in his eyes. He accepts my true nature and embraces it. I felt my hand becoming unpleasantly sweaty while my heart shot a fluttering feeling through my body. I released my hands and stepped backwards laughing nervously.

''It's quite weird to dance without any music, but you see I know how to dance at least'' I spoke trying to hide how nervous I am. 

I'm being too conscience of him.

''Why does it feel like we know each other for so long?'' My eyes were fixed on the floor I didn't want to look at him. I felt like I was about to get a heart attack and the air became heavy.

He...He can't remember.

I met Jimin earlier....and my feelings back then..... I'm not stupid I know that I'm falling for him already. Was it even possible to fall for someone so easily? 

When I met him years ago...It was shortly after I started living with the old lady from the farm, I was out in the forest fetching her some berries that she needed. I stumbled upon Jimin after injuring my ankle...


''Mmmmm lets see....'' My ears followed the voice of the owner.

A guy.....

He was standing around, next to him a beautiful white horse with small spots of black on its skin.

A horse?! Is he a rider? I never rode a horse before, how.....would that feel?

I slowly moved closer curious to know who this person could be, but as I reached closer I noticed the pressure on my lungs, my heart started to beat rapidly in my chest. His familiar face flashed through my head.

M-Master....that's...He is...

Being caught off guard I was not fast enough to move away once he turned his head. Our eyes locked causing his eyes to widen.

He saw me!

''Hey'' he waved. I noticed that he had already taken a hold of his horse, both of them making their way towards me. I felt stunned, I didn't what to say or even move. It felt weird meeting my master like this, but also....joyful, like a light inside of me was finally burning. It made me feel....warm.

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