Ch 6: Treat Me Well

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I stared at the sunset outside, a beautiful glow shining on the city. It looked beautiful. My eyes closed for a second. It must be nice to own such a luxury like this. Taking nice baths like this was something I never had and to be honest it felt.....relaxing

 I closed my eyes surrounding myself with darkness. I only focused on the feeling of the warm water calming my body, together with the scent of the fresh rose petals.



The sunset was truly beautiful to look at. I stopped in my tracks looking astonished at it.

"Your eminence, the king is approaching" One of the guards whispered to me. I would love to enjoy these moments alone. Just taking a stroll looking at beautiful sights like these. But no matter where I go there always have to be guards with me. 

I smiled at him before turning around. There he was the king heading straight towards me. He came to a hold and I kneeled down.

"Your majesty" I spoke under my irritated breath. He stuck out his hand for me to reach. I gently grabbed his hand in mine and brought it to my forehead, lightly pressing it against it. This was the actual way to greet the people of a royal household, but I don't like it. I'm more than happy if people just bow for me out of respect. I don't want them to feel different than me by treating me like that. So I ordered everyone in the palace to greet me with a kneel.

"Son..." he spoke dully. Although he called me son his own blood and flesh. He never treated me like one. After my mom died I had a hard time. Losing your mom at a young age isn't something you want to experience. My dad didn't even shed a tear. He carried on with his life as if it was nothing. He didn't care at all. He never cared about us, but my mom still loved him with all her heart.

I lightly raise to my feet being cautious of not straight up looking at him, out of respect. My father finds it rude.

"Aria told me she is really fond of you. You treat her well she spoke." There wasnt even a speck of emotion in his words and I felt my mood drop more when he brought her up.

"I'm delighted to hear that father..." I spoke low while my eyes stayed fixed on the ground. I noticed a rose petal laying on the floor. My mind instantly thought about Y/N who was still in my room. 

I really hope nothing will happen when I am away.

"You already know that we have plans to marry her to you. She already set her heart on you. So keep treating her the right way. She will come over tomorrow for dinner. Make sure you dress nicely..." he didn't wait for any reply from me and showed me his back, walking away with the group of guards behind him. I stood stunned just looking at the rose petal that was still in my sight. 

Why? Why does he have to be like this?

" Your eminence? " one of the guards asked snapping me out of my daze.

"I'm heading back to my room" I spoke plainly before leaving the garden.

I scanned around the hall making sure no one was around.

"Y/N?" I knocked on the door, but with no response. When I moved the doorknob it seemed the door was still locked. 

She has to be in there.

"Y/N" I spoke a bit louder being careful not to get noticed. Once again no reply. I quickly searched my pockets catching my key. I opened the door at a fast pace and entered the room. I left the door ajar and my heart sank deep. She was still in the bath resting her arms and head on the edge of it.

"Y/N?" I questioned. Her maiden dress lay on the floor wetting the whole area. Her back was facing me displaying her bare skin to me. I fell silent...

So many...scars

Should I even approach? 

I slowly stepped forward approaching her carefully. I closed my eyes before lightly tapping her shoulder. When I wanted to move my hand back my wrist got grabbed in the blink of an eye. Her other hand grabbed the still wet maiden dress, before turning around. She twisted my wrist making me yelp from the pain, while she covered her exposed chest with the dress.

"It's me!" I screamed out from the pain. She instantly released me her eyes widening at what she did.

"Your eminence! My apologies I dozed off. I deserve any punishment you will give me" she lowered her head looking apologetic.

"Don't be silly I'm not gonna punish you and it's Taehyung remember" I chuckled slightly flicking my wrist to get rid of the stinging pain.

"Your eminence?" A too familiar voice spoke from behind the door. I saw the door being lightly pushed open. In a split second, I was at the door pushing it back.

"Jimin!" I spoke a bit too loudly greeting him.

"Are you okay?" was the first thing he asked me.

"Yeah of course. I'm..... Great" My breathing became unsteady because of the running.

"I actually have something to inform. Is it okay if I come in?" he asked me. But without an answer, he already tried pushing the door even more so he could enter. I quickly pressed back and shook my head.

"Come back later. I wanna take a quick bath for a second" I lied to him.

"It will only last a seco-"

"Later!" I ordered before shutting the door as fast as I could. I turned around trying to control my heartbeat. I'm still planning to tell Jimin about Y/N. But doing that by letting him walk in right now seeing her naked in my bath didn't seem like a wise thing to do.

"Everything alright?" Y/N asked me making me focus my attention back on her.

"Yeah...." I muttered. I walked up to her seating myself on the wet floor. She was planning to stand up, but once she saw me seat down she stayed seated in the bath.

"Something is bothering you. I just know....." Well, she was right. After meeting my father I got worried. 

How could she know? Am I that obvious or is it because she is bonded to me? 

Usually, girls would say this in a sweet tone trying to make you feel at ease and let you know you can talk about it with them. Y/N sounded like a strict mother. It was as if I wouldn't talk about it she would force me to anyways and yet it made me chuckle.

"Yeah..... I met my father. When I was in the garden. It made me worried" I spoke honestly.

"For what reason?" she asked.

"My father isn't a kind man. I'm scared if he finds out that I'm keeping you here" I slightly ruffled the back of my hair. 

It's annoying. I can't fight against my dad because of his status and trying to change his way of thinking. I want to make this kingdom a better place, but how?

"Humans get scared easily don't they?" she questioned me.

"I guess we do" I smiled a bit. 

I must look pathetic in her eyes. 

I looked at my hands and started to feel pathetic. They were trembling....... Another hand came in my sight being placed on mine. I looked up at Y/N shocked by her action. Her face stayed the same and I felt her hold my hand intertwining our fingers.

"Sheria always did this to me. Sometimes when I got badly treated at the prison. Or wounded after protecting her, she held my hand like this. She told me this is how she tries to comfort me in times she didn't know what to say. Maybe it helps with your eminence too." This coming from an Infernal made my heart lit up. I placed both of our intertwined hands on the edge of the bath. My heartbeat increased so much because of her small actions like these.

"Taehyung" I spoke smiling a bit. I leaned my head on our hands. My cheek pressed up against her knuckles.

"It's Taehyung" I whispered softly closing my eyes, focusing on her soft skin.


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