Ch 59: To Our Future King

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Seeing Minjae break down into tears made my heart break. I didn't know what was going on until I saw Jihyun his body laying on the muddy ground pierced with the gate down on his neck. My eyes grew big and filled with horror..... 

He did not deserve such an awful death. 

Our horses started to take off and luckily Jungkook caught Minjae in time getting her on his horse. As we started riding away at a fast speed I couldn't help but stare back at the scene. The bloody mess that was going on... Everyone fighting, dead bodies everywhere as the air filled with ash. The moment my heart stopped was when we locked eyes.....

He was standing there... Looking at me in disgust looking at me with so much this moment he didn't even seem like my father. Just an enemy... My worst enemy.

I have taken these steps and right now... 

There is no turning back anymore. 

I turned my head around not wanting to witness all of this again. Y/N was focused on the road making sure that we would get away from here as fast as possible. I felt my lips tremble and leaned forward resting my head in the back of her neck. Placing my arm around her waist, made my arms tremble yet I held onto her tightly. Feeling the warmth of her body and the beating of her heart through her back made me close my eyes. I was tired and broken. Tears started streaming down my cheeks but I bit my lip surpassing my cries.

I just wish that this is all just a bad dream and the moment I would open my eyes the nightmare would be gone.

"Taehyung...." She muttered softly only for the two of us to hear.  The vibrations of her voice talking were send through her back right to my ear and it kept me calm.

"Rest... I will wake you up once we arrive" she spoke. I didn't say anything but nodded my head signaling that I heard her. 

I just hope that everything is over now..... I just hope that Jimin, Teya, and the others are okay.



"We are all set" Dawran spoke making me nod my head. 

No matter how good everything is going right now I won't be happy until I see everyone arriving here..... Everyone.

"Jimin!" Teya suddenly shouted out as her finger pointed towards the open space between the forest and the ship. My eyes started to lit up noticing a group of horse riders arriving. Teya, and I both ran our way to them along with some extra men to go help. A smile grew on my face noticing everyone here. Some of the men that came were really injured, they were immediately attended to, and transported to the ship.

"Your Eminence!" I shouted with a relieved heart seeing Taehyung jump off the horse. By the looks of it, he didn't seem hurt at all.

Right now I was extremely grateful to the gods, for blessing us with this success.

"Jimin" he breathed out stumbling his way towards me. I took a firm grip on his arms supporting him. They were all exhausted I'm sure it was a heavy fight they had.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did you guys manage t-" I could tell that he was extremely worried, so I crossed the line and without permission went in for an embrace.

"Don't worry everything is alright..... I'm alright too. It's over we are ready to leave" I muttered and felt his body relax once I spoke those words. His arms flew around me hugging me back. 

Moments like these I hold dear... Since Taehyung rarely shows this side of him.

Breaking the hug my eyes couldn't help but stare at Minjae who was unconsciously being carried by Jungkook.

''W-What happened?''

Is she hurt? Is she in a dangerous state?!

"She will be fine. We need to get everyone on the ship as fast as we can. We need to move fast." Jungkook answered sternly. He didn't seem in a good mood, but knowing how he isn't panicking about Minjae meant...she is really okay.

Everyone lent their hands and helped out to get everyone on board. I introduced everyone to Dawran and the other important crew members and finally...... It was time to leave.

Cheers flew to the air once our sails set and our ship started to move. Everyone was gathered up on the main deck except for Minjae who was brought to her room.....

Taehyung told me... That Jihyun lost his life and Minjae witnessing it brought her in a great shock allowing her to lose consciousness. I swallowed the lump in my throat away and tried to remain strong. 

Jihyun was a kind-hearted boy..... He did not deserve this...

Everyone started cheering and busting their hands against the wooden deck and every attribute they could find in their area once they noticed Taehyung taking a couple of steps on the stairs. He smiled noticing all the support he received and it made me proud to see.

His hands slowly rise to the air indicating for everyone to calm down and become quiet and so they did. Everyone was looking up at Taehyung full anticipation waiting for the words he was about to speak.

"I wanna thank everyone who gathered here today!! I know that my plan... Of going against my father, going against the King might sound insane to most people.''

''But I'm very grateful to each one of you that believe in me and supports me with this. Not only to every single one of you that are standing right here but to all those warriors out there!!" he screamed loudly while pointing his finger back at the land.

"I'm not a king. I'm not a ruler, but I know that my father is by far not a good king nor a good ruler and I want to change that. Cause we deserve so much better! You guys deserve so much better!" Loud screams filled the ship echoing through the night sky.

" And I'm not talking about only Humans I'm talking about every species out there. Infernals! Dwarfs! Heck, even witches or vampires for all I care! In my eyes everyone is equal and that's how it should be. Honestly, I don't even know why you guys are so crazy to trust me and support me on such a dangerous quest. Putting your own lives at stake.''

''But as your prince words can not explain how grateful I am. And once I will rule over Navarre and defeat my father, I will surely remember every single one of you. I will never forget the support and strength you guys are giving me. I will make changes... I promise you that." The crew stood around with proud smiles on their faces as one by one everyone started to raise their cups of wine.

"Tonight we won! So we shall drink to that" Taehyung announced earning cheering and loud laughter and roars.

"To our future King Taehyung !!" I screamed at the top of my lungs while raising my cup in the air.

"To our future King Taehyung!!!" Everyone screamed after me before we all started gulping down our drinks.

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