Ch 42: When Our Lips Meet

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I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander as I looked at Teya. Taehyung, Minjae, and I talked about the trial for a bit before, parting ways. I left to go to my room with Teya following behind me, but she has been quiet ever since what happened. 

She actually wanted to be alone. The other handmaidens would get suspicious of her if she stayed away for too long is what she told me, but I insisted on having her with me. 

I want to talk with her about this, I wanna help ease her mind. 

''Teya'' I spoke softly walking my way towards her.

''Mmm?'' she only hummed turning her way to me while shooting me a small smile. Anyone could tell that she was holding back her emotions right now. I figured that everyone was having a hard time surrounding the situation, but it seems...Teya is struggling the most.

''Are you okay?'' Why did I ask something so stupid? Of course, she isn't.

It was a force of habit to ask, so I did it. I expected her to perhaps shrug her shoulders and say yes. Or fake a smile, but instead, she tilted her head upward. Her eyes were fixed on the ceiling as I noticed her batting her lashes a couple of times. 

''I'm not'' she sighed a hint of trembling in her voice.

''Why her? Why Y/N? Just because Aria is jealous of her and Taehyung? Because of Jealousy.........She killed an innocent guard'' She began speaking. I carefully listened to everything she said, cause that's what she needs right now. 

A part of me felt lost seeing her like this, not knowing how to comfort her and another part was happy that she was opening up to me and not hiding how she really felt.

''He had a family.....maybe even a lover......and she let him die without a second thought. Only to blame it on someone else and get that person killed too. All for what? To get Taehyung? She was gonna marry him in the first place?!'' Her eyes were this time looking at me and she started shouting in frustration. It was a sudden switch that got even me startled, cause the fact is...I have never seen her like this.

''They call my kind cruel? Yes maybe some of us are, but humans should take a good look at themselves first. Cause they can be just as bad and cruel as we are. In the end, we are no different from one another.'' Teya let out a huge sigh relaxing her shoulders before looking at the ground.

You're right about that.....

''I'm sorry.....for ranting like that'' she whispered softly making me smile.

There is nothing to apologize for silly.

''Hit me'' I spoke making her head shoot up in confusion.

I might regret this.

''You're obviously stuffed with anger. The best way to let it all out is to hit something. Let's have a sparring match. Let's see how strong Teya the Infernal actually is'' I grinned making her arch her brows. I was hoping that this would be a way for her to lift her mood as well.

I remember how whenever I am mad, or frustrated about things I also go to train. It helps ease my mind and anger, perhaps it will do the same for her.

''Here? In your room?'' She asked me about the match. I nodded my head before taking a fighting position. She hesitantly did too but quickly straightened her back again returning to her former posture.

''I can't. I'm gonna hurt you'' hearing her actually say this with concern was able to make me scoff.

''You won't I'm tougher than I look. Don't hold back okay?'' I informed before once more taking in a firm stance. When Teya did so as well I noticed how a smile was tugging at her lips.

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