Ch 36: Trouble

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I kept staring at the ceiling, the sound of horses and men taking off made me feel uneasy. 

He left just now...yet I was acting stubborn and didn't see him off.

I didn't leave my room even once. I just laid here looking at the ceiling and getting lost in my thoughts.

A soft knock was heard, landing on my bedroom chamber door.

''Come in.'' Who is it?

As I questioned who might enter my room I made sure to seat myself properly on my bed. I felt my eyes slightly widen noticing it was Teya entering my room.

"Am I disturbing?" she asked me. I could tell that she was nervous by the tone of her voice.

"Not at all come in" I smiled patting the side of my bed. She entered the room closing the door behind her before making her way to me. She quietly seated herself next to me, right at the spot I patted, but her eyes stayed fixed on her lap, not even glancing once at me.

I made sure to lean forward forcing my face in her field of vision.

"Don't you have anything to ask me?" I smiled wondering curiously why she came to me in the first place.

She smiled too but I could see her fidgeting with her hands. Noticing how nervous she was I made sure to reach for her hand massaging her palm.

I'm sure that right now Teya and Y/N are having a hard time dealing with everything and hiding their identities. So if one of them comes to me for help I'm all ears. I'm more than happy to know that I can help them in some way.

"Uhmm.... This is gonna be a weird question.. But. How does it feel to love someone? In a romantic way" hearing her question I fell silent for bit. I wasn't completely shocked to hear cause honestly I knew that this question would surface one day.

"Are things between you and Jimin making you feel confused?" I slightly smiled. She nodded her head laughing dumbfounded.

"Ah it's frustrating! I thought.... I thought it was because of the bond. But it's not, it feels completely different.." I placed my hand on her back leaning my chin on her shoulder.

"I'm guessing you already know how it feels to love someone. I don't have to tell you."

"But I can't love him. We can't be together" she spoke back. Hearing her say that made me feel sorry, cause we both know all too well what the reason could be.

"Why not?" I questioned noticing her expression stiffen. Her eyes started to glisten as if she was starting to get emotional, but she held strong and kept her emotions in.

"Because we live in a world where our kind is forbidden to be together..."

You can see it like that yeah...

"The world can change and I'm 100% sure that changes will be made in the future. If Jimin feels the same way about you then it's fine right? It's not easy for you guys to be together I know that. But it's not impossible, as long as your identity stays hidden everything is okay." A part of me was shocked by the fact that I myself was saying this. I from years ago wouldn't have said this...

I noticed that her words made her think.

"Teya... You know that there is no rush right? If it's true love it will never fade know that right? There is no need to think to hard about this. Just focus on what you always do as Jimins Infernal it's important to watch over him and if feelings get involved from both sides its alright... You hear me. Loving someone is alright." she smiled and turned to me.

"I guess as long as my identity stays hidden that's the only thing that matters right? " I nodded my head seeing her stand up.

For now...

"Thank you...I should get going with my tasks before I get scolded" I nodded my head and waved her off seeing her leave.


I straightened my dress with my hands before knocking on the big oak door in front of me that lead to the King's room. The guards beside me their eyes were practically drilling into me, watching my every move.

"Come in." The familiar voice was strong and clear. It made the guards finally move their muscles as they opened the door, allowing me to enter. Even then I could feel their stares on my back. I came to hold as I entered the room, the sound of the heavy door closing behind me echoed briefly through the room.

He was seated behind his table, not even paying attention to the person that entered. I watched him pour himself some wine. Only when I stepped forward did the sound of my heels catch his attention. When he looked up his actions stopped while a satisfying smile appeared on his face.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" He asked before bringing the silver cup to his lips. He took a small sip of wine while his eyes never left mine. I made sure to maintain my facial expression before taking more steps towards him.

"I came to ask for your grace to send more men to Wimborne to help out with the patrol" I bowed my head asking for the favor. He immediately released a chuckled at my request before placing his cup down. My head stayed bowed, looking at the floor but I could hear his chair scrape against the floor followed by his footsteps.

"And why would I do that?" he asked me. I raised my head with a clenched jaw trying to surpass my anger. 

"As your grace know Wimborne is a very dangerous place. Having only 16 men send out to patrol is a big risk to the soldiers their lives"

"The soldiers their lives? Or the life of your precious commander?" he darted at me. His hand grabbed my chin making me look properly at him.

"The soldier their lives, your grace," I stated acting not to be bothered by his actions. Since he is the king there is no way that I can slap his hand away. He smiled and released my chin before turning back to his cup of wine.

"No" he spoke clear making me clench my jaw.

"But your grac-"

"I said no" he slightly raised his voice at me. Usually the king would fool around and rethink things when I asked him too. Just like Jungkook said I considered myself his weak point because of his interest in me, but I'm guessing those times are over.

"My answer is final high commander. I suggest you leave and pray for your precious boy to come back well" he grinned gulping down his last bit of wine. The doors opened and the guards came to escort me back.

As I was walking through the halls Teya suddenly came running to me.

"Minjae" she called out my name and I could see tears staining her cheeks.

"Whats wrong?" I questioned seeing her trying to catch her breath in front of me. A bad feeling kept running through my back sending chills everywhere.....

"Y/N....Y/N is in trouble" she spoke concerned making my eyes widen.

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