Ch 45: The Tune Of Love

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''You're lying on a death bed how can I not be scared?'' I replied to him before seating down again with the freshly made stew on my lap. 

''I'm not gonna die you know that. The only thing I need to do right now is rest and heal'' He replied to me. I could tell that he was still scanning me like a worried mother.

''That's not what I believed when I saw you the moment you came back. Do you know how scared it made me? Seeing you covered up in all that blood, not even moving a bit and having to be carried. I thought you were going to die'' I breathed out trying to hold in my tears when recalling those memories. 

''I'm sorry.....for making you see that'' he muttered.

''Come'' I ordered scooping up some of the stew I made on a spoon. This time a smile appeared on his face as he straightened his back, seating properly. I made sure to softly blew on the spoon of food to decrease the heat before feeding it to him.

It's the first meal he is having after being awake.

''Even though you haven't cooked for a long time,  nothing beats your cooking skills'' Jungkook spoke satisfied after swallowing the food.

''Are you gonna cook for me every day from now on? Till I am healed'' His smile went up from ear to ear. Me cooking for Jungkook is something I rarely do, due to both our busy schedules. I'm sure he was stating this as an excuse, knowing I would happily do so, cause he is injured. 

I slightly played with the spoon in my head, feeling a sense of guilt build.

I can't tell him.

''Actually tomorrow I don't think I will be able to come to see you. I have some things to take care of'' I informed. His shoulders started to slump, I could tell that he was disappointed hearing that, but his face remained the same. Trying to hide his feelings.

''It's okay I understand. You're the high commander after all'' he smiled. I took another spoon full of stew feeding it to him again. 

''I will come by the day after that'' I spoke trying to lighten up the mood. He gently raised his hand placing it against my cheek. 

''Don't worry about me. Your duty comes first'' The way his doe eyes looked deeply into mine, made me want to cry again, but I held myself in as I nodded my head.



''Aria'' I muttered laying on my bed. 

How can I ever forgive her for doing this...Hurting innocent people. How can I even marry a person like this? Especially with the feelings I created towards Y/N there is no way that I can longer put up with this act. I won't marry Aria even my father can't make me bend down to his rules this time. 

Also... Who was the one that attacked the witness? Because of this he and Jimin weren't able to attend the trial. Making both Aria and us having no one to witness and prove our parts of the stories. Meaning if we wanted Y/N to be innocent we are forced to demand a trial by combat. 

Is this person on our side? It could be that the person who did it wanted to help us out. Knowing that we have a strong team with fighters so we will win the trial by combat for sure. Or......just a way for us to lose lives that are precious to us.

''AHH I DON'T KNOW'' I shouted frustrated kicking my legs in the air while squirming on my bed. Just then I heard laughter coming from my doorway. 

''Jimin'' I spoke shocked seeing him closing the door after entering my chamber.

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