Chapter 6

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*Anna's POV*

It's been a week now and I haven't seen Shawn. I told him I loved him but he didn't say it back. I guess he just didn't want to say it because he was leaving or he wasn't ready. I'm working in the cafe today and I'm the only one here. There was no one here to eat or drink yet so I grabbed my book The Cold One and just looked through it. I pulled my laptop out of my book bag and put my password in. I went to Google and searched The Cold One up. I clicked it and I looked through some pages in my book. Ice cold skin, speed, strength, blood, blending in with human,coffee makes their skin warm, reads minds, vampires.

I didn't believe it at first until I remembered what that man said in the book store.

"This book will tell you the truth even if you think it's not real then you're wrong."

I closed the book and my laptop. I put them back into my book bag and had some flash backs.

Shawn said no when I offered him some of my pizza rolls. He didn't eat or drink at the restaurant he found me the day I got the book. He maybe very strong. His whole body was ice cold. Same as Blake. Oh no I think they might be...vampires.


I looked up to see Josh. Wait what? A week ago he was dead. Something ripped his throat out.

"Uah...umm Hey. What would you like?"

"Mmm you look pretty good." He said as his eyes turned red then back to his natural color.

"I'm good." I grabbed a cup of vervain.

Chapter 2 of The Cold One: vervain could burn vampires skin.

I threw the cup of vervain at him and he started to scream in pain and his skin was smoking.

"Oh my god!" I said running to the back door. When I opened it Josh was standing there.

"Ahhhhh." I screamed. I started crying.

"Anna help I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt you."

"Get away and don't come near me again." I said as I watched Josh walk away.

I walked back in the cafe and once I got to the cash resister, I saw Aalyiah and Shawn's mom waiting for me.

"Hey are y'all back from vacation?" I ask.

"Yes we are."

"Is Shawn back."

"Yes he is." Aaliyah said.

"I also know y'all...kissed." Karen whispered the last word.

I felt my cheeks heat up and I smiled, looking down. I look back at Karen and nod my head.

"Yeah. Yeah we did. Can I get you anything?"

"I would like some coffee please." Karen said.

"I want sprite." Aaliyah said.

I walk to the back and fixed their drinks. I walked back and Manny came in but not Shawn.

"Hey Anna I want a coffee." Manny said.

I walk back and fixed his coffee. I walked back and gave it to them. They hand me a 20 and told me to keep it. I put it in the cash resister. I looked at the clock on the wall. It's 8 o'clock P.M. the cafe closes at 9 so I start to clean up. I was sweeping and I looked out the window to see a shadow but I could make whoever it is out. It was Shawn but he walked away. I just went back to what I was doing. After I cleaned everything up, I grabbed two cups of vervain. I closed up the cafe and started walking to MaKayla's house. I stopped because I felt like I'm being followed but I know it isn't Shawn. I stopped and turned around to see nothing. I turn back and started walking again but I heard foot steps behind me so I started to walk faster. Whoever was behind me walked faster too. I quickly turned around to see Blake.

"What do you want Blake?" I asked gripping on to the cup of vervain.

"I want you back." He said walking closer.

"Don't you dare come near me." I said.

He went to grab my arm but I threw some of the vervain on him. He screamed and put his hands over his face. I started to run as fast as I could. Blake is a fucking vampire. I kept running not looking where I was going. I soon felt arms wrap around me and I scream but a car ran right in front of me. As soon as the car past I pushed Blake off of me.

"Blake get the hell away from me!" I yelled but when I turned around I saw Shawn.

"Oh Shawn I'm sorry I thought you were someone else." I said.

"You said Blake. You thought I was Blake."

"Yeah and thank you for saving me from that car."

"No problem."

I look into his eyes and they were a golden brown with a little bit of black too.

"So you wear contacts? Your eyes are a golden brown with a little bit of black." I asked walking a step to him as he took one step back.

"Oh I'm sorry my eyes turn that color when they turn to green. My eyes turn green and brown." Shawn said rubbing his eyes.

"I've heard that before." I say.

I don't want to leave but I have to.

"Umm I have to get back home to my siblings and MaKayla. I guess I'll see you at school?"

"Umm yeah I'll see you at school Anna. Wait do you want me to give you a ride home?" He asked.

"Yes please. MaKayla drove me to the cafe earlier so I didn't have the chance to get my car."

"Alright then come with me, my jeep is right up there."

We walked to his jeep in silence. I got in and put my seat belt on. Shawn turned on the jeep but before he drove off I cut him off.

"Hey! Safety before driving. Put that seat belt on Shawn now or you will see me walking home." I said.

"Not on my list." He said putting on his seat belt and drove off.

We were quiet the whole way to my house. Once we pulled in the driveway I look over at Shawn. He had one hand on the wheel and the other on the gear stick. He looked down at floor and tapped his thumb on the wheel. I put my hand on his cheek and turned his face to me. I placed my lips to his and he let go of the wheel and gear stick. He placed his hands on each side of my neck. He deepened the kiss and I slide my tongue into his mouth. I missed him. I missed his kisses. I pull away and looked at him. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me with passion in his eyes. I bit my lip and took off my seat belt and grabbed my purse. I opened the door and closed it. Once I was out. I started walking to the front door but stopped.

"Anna!" Shawn called after me.

I turned around and Shawn ran over to me. He places his hands on my cheeks and kissed me again. I wrap my arms around his waist as he deepened the kiss once more. I pull away a little to catch a breath before going into another kiss. My hands easily rub up his chest to his collarbone. He pulled away and hugged me. I wrap my arms around his neck. I laid my head on his chest and thought to myself. He is so cold and his eyes changes colors. He doesn't eat or drink anything and he knows where I'm at 24/7. Shawn and his family maybe vampires but I'm going to keep it on the down low but tomorrow I'm coming after them and get the truth.

"Stop smooching and get in here. Anna." MaKayla says.

I let go of Shawn and look at him. He pecks my lips before walking back to his car and driving off. I smile and went in the house. I walk to my room and got ready for bed because I have school tomorrow.

Secret Vampire Life~Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now