Chapter 17

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*Alex's POV*

Once we got back to our Jake's house I had so many questions.

"Blake who is Anna?"

"Well she's Billy's step daughter, my ex girlfriend, and now Shawn's girlfriend."

This is very weird for me because I came back to stay with my aunt because my dad is going through so much. I was walking to my aunt's house from the cafe' I use to work at but I was almost there when something just came by and bit me. After I woke up I saw Blake and Hope standing over me. I've only been a vampire for like three hours. I never really met Jake but I have met the others.

"Oh you must be Alex." A man said. He looked to be about 25.

"Yes I'm Alex."

"How old are you Alex?"

"I'm 16."

"Oh so you're the youngest out of all vampires."

"I guess so."

"Let me show you to your room. Then I'll give you your first assignment."

We went to the second floor of the house. Yeah this house is very big. There is three floors. The basement, the main floor, and the top floor. So we're really going to the third floor. Once we got to my room I put my stuff down.

"You can decorate it however you would like to. Now for your assignment. I want you to get a job at the cafe' which is your old job."

"That's what I was actually planning to do when I was going to my aunt's house but I got bit."

"Well then stick to your plan."

I rolled my eyes and fixed up my room the way I wanted it and after I was done I decided to go to the cafe'. I walked all the way to the cafe' because I didn't have a car. Once I got there, there was a young girl behind the bar but she looked a little bit older than me. I walk in and walked up to the bar.

"Hey can I help you?" The girl asked.

"Yeah. I'm looking for the manager. I was going to see if I could get a job here." I said.

"Oh yeah. I just have to call him."

She walked back and called him. I just waited for a few minutes before she came back.

"Ok so he said he would be on his way." The girl said.


"No problem. Would you like anything while you wait?" She asked.

"No thank you."

I waited about five minutes before the manager came in.

"Hey. I'm Jack." The man said.

I shook his hand.

"I'm Alex." I said with a smile.

"Hang on just a second let me go get the papers you need to fill out." Jack said.

I looked up at the girl behind the bar and she was already looking at me like she knew me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." She said looking back down at her book she was reading. She seemed off.

Jack came back and gave me all the papers I needed to fill out and I read everything and signed them. I give it back to him and he looked over them. He then asked me a few questions and I answered them.

"Well looks like you have a job. Can you start today?"

"Oh yeah of course."

"Ok great. I'll see y'all later." He said walking out. I walked behind the bar and I sat next to the girl. She seemed kinda scared.

Secret Vampire Life~Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now