Chapter 8

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Shawn hasn't been to school for a few days now. He's probably ignoring me. I walked out of the school and drove to his house. I got out of my car and Shawn walked out the front door.

"What are you doing here?"

"You can't stay away from me forever Shawn."

"You can't be here Anna."


"Shawn what's going on?" Karen asked stepping out. "Oh Anna. Umm you can't be here right now we are about to have some frenemies over. How about you come back around six ok."

After she said that I heard foot steps running from a mile away.

"Anna get out of here now. I'll see you at six." Shawn said.

I rolled my eyes and drove off. I drove to the lake and parked. I walked down the sandy walkway and looked around. I stopped when I saw Josh sitting next to the water.


He snapped his head towards me.

"Oh Anna its just you. I need your help."

"What do you need?"

"I need help to learn how to be a vampire or I will die."

"I wouldn't know how to help but I know someone that will."

"Oh thank goodness."

I sat down beside him taking in the warm air. Time passes and I looked at my phone. It was six o'clock.

"I have to go Josh." I said putting my phone in my pocket. When I stood up I scraped my wrist on the life guard chair. I flinched in pain and looked down at my wrist to see blood. Josh's eyes grew wide and I went to run but he quickly grabbed my arm and bit me. I scream in pain and kicked him in the balls. He fell to the ground and I started running back to my car. I stumbled a few times but got to my car. I drove to Shawn's house and got out.

"Shawn!" I yelled holding my wrist.

He walked out and he looked confused. He walked up to me and pulled my hand away from my wrist.

"Oh my god. MOM!" Shawn yelled picking me up and taking me inside. He put me on the kitchen table.

"Shawn what is it?" Karen asked.

"She's been bitten. I don't want her to change so how do I stop it?" Shawn said.

"Shawn what your saying out loud could get her killed." Manny said.

"She knew about us the day we came back. Now tell me what to do to get the venom out."

"You have to suck it out but you can't suck her blood or she will die." Karen said.

Shawn grabbed my wrist and stuck his fangs into the bite mark. He started sucking the venom out of me and I made eye contact with him before I passed out.

*A hour later*

I woke up in a room I don't know. I looked around and spotted Shawn staring out the window. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. Shawn looked over at me and sat down on his knees in front of me.

"Who did that to you? Shawn asked.

"Josh." I replied.

"Why did he do it?"

"I scraped my wrist on the life guard chair and tried to run but he grabbed my arm and bit me. Why didn't you just let me become like you?"

"Because I want you to live your life. I don't want you to die in a short life."

Secret Vampire Life~Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now