Chapter 9

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It was now lunch time and I sat with Shawn's friends since their girlfriends are my best friends. MaKayla sat with us too and got to know our friends. Everyone was wondering where Shawn was but I knew. Soon I felt someone sit beside me and I looked to see Shawn. I wrapped my arm around his and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Ohhh someone went a little too rough on Shawnie boy last night didn't they." Cameron said making me hide behind Shawn's arm.

"Shut up Cam! We didn't have sex, we just made out."

MaKayla smiled and took a sip of her water.

"MaKayla if you say anything I won't talk to you again." I said.

"I wasn't planning on saying anything anyways." She says back.

"Hey Shawn where were you this morning?" Hayes asked.

"Oh family stuff that's it." Shawn replied.

The TV came on in the cafeteria. It's the daily news.

"There was a terrible attack last night right next to the woods. A girl was found this morning with her throat ripped out. Her name was Savannah Reeds. She went to Pine Ridge Secondary high school age 18 and she will be missed. Family and friends please watch over your loved ones this attacker is close to town now. This person could be your friend or family just keep a eye out. Thank you." Then the news turns off.

I looked over at Shawn and he tensed up. Shawn looked at Josh and he shook his head telling Shawn he didn't do it. And I know it wasn't Shawn or his family. It must have been Blake. I squeezed Shawn's arm tight and hard. Shawn looked over at me. He placed his free hand on mine and calmed me down a bit. We heard a little sob come from our table. I looked over at Cameron and his face was in his arms. I got up from my seat and walked over to him and held him as he cried. I rubbed his back and Shawn held on to Cameron's arms from across the table. I looked at Shawn confused.

"I'll tell you later." He mouthed.

I nod and held Cameron until the bell rung. We all got up and I walked Cameron to his next class.

"Cam are you sure you'll be ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah thanks Anna." Cam whipped his face before walking in.

I turned to see Blake standing behind me. I gasped but Blake covered my mouth and he pushed me into the bathroom that no one was in and I backed up to the wall. Blake grabbed my arm and look at my vampire bite.

"You know while your still human, you knowing we exist can get you killed." Blake said as his hand made it's way to my jaw.

He forced me to look at him. I looked at him and his eyes turned red. I closed my eyes and turned my head slowly. Blake's lips made contact with my neck and I felt his fangs run over my veins. He pulled away and step away from me.

"If you don't turn in a couple months I'll let my vampire gang know and we will come for you. Your dead either way. Vampire or not."  He said walking out the door.

I started to cry and slid down the wall I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out to see a text from Shawn.

Shawn: Where are you? You never skip class.

I left him on read and just sat on the floor. I soon felt my phone vibrate again so I pulled it out.

Shawn: if you don't come back in two minutes I'm coming to find you and you know I can track you without a phone trace.

I wanted to text back and I wanted Shawn to wrap his arms around me but I was too scared to text him. I went into a stall and locked it. I sat down by the wall and continued to cry. Good thing all my make up is water proof because my make up would have been everywhere. My phone vibrates but I know it's Shawn but I still open it.

Secret Vampire Life~Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now