Chapter 18

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A few days later

I was in the cafe' working but Shawn sent Brook with me to protect me from Alex. I only have two days left to live according to Jake. I don't want to die but if I do I want to become like Shawn so I'll be with him forever. I was cleaning the cafe' since we didn't have a lot of customers today. I just got done cleaning the front of the cafe', now I'm going to the back. I started mopping the floor and as I got to the bathroom door I saw something red coming out from under the door. It looked like blood so I walked back to the front to see Brook just sitting there.

"Brook. I just saw blood coming from the bathroom door." I whispered.

"Ok. Anna just stay here and I'll go check it out."

"Ok." I grabbed my phone and put it in my purse and held onto it. I watched as Broom got closer to the door and she opened it and then she just started running towards me.

"Anna run." She said.

I ran out the door and got into my car. I started it and she jumped in. I drove off and once I got home, Shawn and the other vampires were here. I parked my car and ran to the door. Shawn opened it and grabbed me.

"Anna don't go in there."

"Why what's going on?" I asked.

"Anna this isn't safe for you at all. We have to go."

"Wait where's MaKayla?" I asked and Shawn looked at me and then at the ground.

"Shawn tell me. Is she ok?" I asked Shawn looked back at me and shook his head no. I looked inside and saw the others sounding someone and I pushed Shawn off of me and ran in. Some of the others tried to hold me back but I just pushed them to the side. Once I got throw everyone MaKayla was laying there in a puddle of her own blood. I looked at her neck to see a bite mark. I started crying and fell to my knees. I looked up at Shawn.

"Will she come back?" I asked still crying.

"Yes she will but if we take her to train we would have to leave you behind but in a safe place where no vampire will find you. Not even us. We told Sarah to come by to take you somewhere safe from everyone because if one of us takes you than the bad vampires will find you. We're going to the field to join my family and your mom and Hayes to help train MaKayla."

I just sat there and cried a little more. I soon got up and went to the bathroom. I opened the bathroom closet and pulled out a box of tubes with my blood in them. I made about five of them. I read more in my book The Cold One earlier and it said a new vampire can't live if they turn with their own blood. So when I was shopping with Sarah and MaKayla, Sarah gave me five more tubes with hers in it but she still doesn't know about Shawn and them. I put blue tape on hers so I would know who's blood was who's. So now there is ten tubes. I walked out if the bathroom and handed the box to Shawn.

"This is my blood and Sarah's blood. Let MaKayla take one of mine. Don't use any of the ones with blue tape." I said and kissed Shawn before waiting on Sarah to pull up. Once she got here Shawn brought me a bad full of my clothes. I kissed him one more time before walking to Sarah's car. I got in and I didn't take my eyes off of Shawn until I couldn't see him. I looked out the window and started to cry and Sarah put her hand on my shoulder. I just cried for a few minutes until we were in the interstate.

"So Sarah where are we going?"

"We're going to a hotel in the next state over. Were going to New York."

Before I moved to Toronto Canada we use to live on the other side of Canada. So Blake hopefully won't find us in New York. It wasn't too long of a trip. It only took a hour and a half. As soon as we got to our room, I looked at my phone to see what time it was. 11:30 P.M. I decided to take a shower so I grabbed some clothes and got in. I washed my hair and my body, after that I just stood under the warm water. I sat down in the shower and put my head in my hands and cried. I wanted to be with Shawn but I also wanted to be there when MaKayla woke up. I understand that Sarah and I are the only ones out of all our friends that are human right now and that Shawn and them are trying to protect us but it just hurts to be away from all of them. I get up and turn the water off and get out and dry off. I put my night clothes on and went to bed.

Secret Vampire Life~Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now