What's Me

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"Okay, confession time. I kind of don't want to drive fast because I want to appreciate our time together but I feel like you want me to speed." I said, hiding behind my hair like the boss I was. Thank God for my new hair.

"That is true so how about you just drive slow." Hallo replied with a hint of a amusement. "Besides if you speed you might miss a turn or something."

True enough. I took her bag and placed it in the back before opening the door for her. She raised an eyebrow with smirk but nonetheless she got in. I closed the door and quickly got in on the driver side.

I started the car, reversed out and pulled out onto the road driving like a normal person would for a change.

"So, chicken, how come your always so sad?" Hallo asked. For a change my voice was here. I think focusing on the car and road was helping somewhat.

"I live a hard life." I answered simply. Those five words were the code for my life.

"Yes you do, Chicken. So tell me your story." She commanded. I was by the red robot (unfortunately waiting for it to turn green which I never do) so I turned my head towards her.

"Doesn't everybody already know my story?" I asked because that was the truth. Every thing that I did was directly connected to the rumor pipeline. For every action there's a rumor.

"No everybody knows the rumors but I want to know the stories." I felt her shrug.

"Fine then." I took a deep breath trying to pick the right words. "Ever since I was born I've always been alone and-"

"Don't tell me that bullshit." Hallo sneered out in disgust. "I want the truth Jake Thales."

I paused right there, flooring the brake. I turned to look at her to see she already was staring at me, her eyes blazing with anger.

I looked for a sign, a sign that showed me the reason why she wanted to know. But I found nothing. No reason that she would want to know but she just wants to know. For my sake or hers I don't know. But she'd gotten in my car so I owed her this much. I accelerated again turning away from her.

"My parents died when I was five, I can't remember their faces anymore. They died during a battle on the east side of Aeolus. They were the leaders before me. Me and my brother lived with my aunt and uncle on my mother's side. They didn't really appreciate me because I had a idea of what my parents were involved with. I put up with it until grade seven when I had enough. I joined my families gang on my uncles nagging and spent most of my grade eight year battling through the ranks until I became the leader."

"Take a right up here." Hallo pointed and I turned. "You telling me half a story, Chicken. The third house on the right."

I drove up to her driveway and turned the ignition off.

"What do you mean half a story?" I asked. She turned to look at me. Quicker than I expected she balled up my shirt and pulled me until I was inches away from her face.

And her lips...

I visibly gulped.

"Do I look like an idiot, Chicken? I know this world has magic in it and I know that magic is centered around you."

My brain was slow to process with her being so close.

"One night it was so bad. It was so much and then he appeared. Hades wanted to help me be complete. He didn't want me to cry, to be alone and to suffer like I did. So we became one and he was my friend." she didn't let go but her eyes didn't portray surprise like I expected.

"So you hosted the god of the Underworld?" She asked and I nodded. "Were your parents also like you?"

I nodded again. "A lot of people are like me but most don't realize it. My father hosted Tarturas, primordial god of the abyss and my mother hosted Gaia, primordial goddess of the earth. Zoe Nyx, my ex, she's currently hosting Nyx."

"Your ex, hey? What happened between you too?" She asked. I knew this was coming.

"Well I saved her life a few times and she saved mine as well. We were fine until Hades took over my body and killed her best friend." She looked at me with a smirk.

"So Hades betrayed you and killed Toni. Yip, that's a deal breaker." She said dryly, her attempt at lighting the mood. "So what happened there?"

"One of my girlfriends hosted the goddess Persephone and she felt forced to date me since Hades and Persephone had to be together. She tried to kill me and she ended up falling into Tarturas. Because Hades had lost his wife and I moved on with Zoe, he took over my body and killed some Olympians, the entire Remnant Gauteng Division and destroyed the city in the process. Some friends also died like Toni."
I gripped the steering wheel, it was getting too much. The more I spoke the more the memories came up, flashing, demanding to be recognized and looked at.

" Hey, you know," She pulled a little closer so I could smell the flavour bubblegum she was chewing ", what you did was pretty hard. Fighting your best friend to save the world. Plus I have a feeling that those people knew that they would die for you. Keep that in mind, okay?"

Her words were confusing me and my lips were itching just to be on hers, my nose already brushing hers. But then she let go and let herself out of the car.

"It seems your getting some courage, Chicken, but that doesn't mean you can have me."

And as she walked away, the only thing on my mind was that she thinks that I can have her. That and the fact that maybe she was right. Maybe all those people that died had knew they would die.

But mostly the former.

Life's Partner// Thales Series#3✔️Where stories live. Discover now