Chamber of Selena

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Part 1
She covered her mouth as tears rained down her cheeks. Her eyes were filled with too much emotions: shock, disbelief and even disgust.

"Y-you c-c-cut your e-e-eye out?" She stuttered before realizing her sentence. " You cut out your eye!"

I tried to step to her but she stepped away from me. She was violently shaking and hyperventilating.

"Hallo. Hallo, listen to me!" I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into me, away from the horrible sight of my face. "I had to do it. It was the only way. 'An eye for an eye', remember?"

She shook her head. Her tears soaked my grey hoodie. I pulled her closer, her breastplate uncomfortable against my chest.

"Still, how did you know that guy was telling the truth? He could have just wanted a piece of you." She sobbed in my chest. She was beautiful but I feel like it lost the definition of its beauty. That or I just lost the beauty of the world through the loss of my eye.

I hated myself for making her cry. I was the person that always broke down and was always being comforted by others. But not today. Today, I was supporting one of the strongest people I knew and ... felt wrong. So wrong.

How did I get here, with one eye nonetheless?

"I'll get you a unicorn when this is all over." I promise her randomly. She looks at me with a straight face, cheeks still wet.

"And what makes you think I like unicorns?" She asked. I smiled.

"Does that mean you don't want one?" Her face broke into a smile and I knew I had successfully cheered her up. "Okay, let's get through the Chambers as quick as possible, yes?"

She nodded and grabbed my hand and led the way. I was grateful because one, it meant she was back and two, I only had one eye so my depth perception was a bit off.

We entered the next Chamber.

Immediately, a chill ran down my spine. A warm breeze pulsed through the dark room almost like someone or something breathing. That's when the voice hit me.

"What's wrong with my presence?" The familiar voice drove a new kind of fear in me and the second voice was no different.

"The fact that you could die at my hands." The female voice answered. The bricks fell away and we were shot into the past.

A apartment building stood with a strange crescent on it. Fires and small scaled battles were taking place all around us. No not battles, gun fights. A woman stood by the door and at the bottom of the stairs stood a man.

The woman was beautiful and stern like a goddess even in jeans and a blue hoodie. She looked powerful. The man looked down right intimidating. His eyes were a chocolate brown and his hair was curly.

But what drove me to the edge was the similarities. The man had a way of radiating anger that reminded me of myself. The way he stood ready, his pants held up by a chain just to add to his image. The woman stood calm and laid back but I knew she could jump into action.

Taken together, their features, their stances, their looks and their voices, I could tell.

I'd recognize my parents anywhere and anytime.

My father, Henry, smiled. "And yet you haven't killed me. That either means you like me or your playing with your prey?"

"I think it's both." They both said at the same time. I smiled even though I was crying.

"Look, we know how this ends. Your people might know the truth behind us but not mine. This is a gang war. You aren't winning." My mother said, her words flowing melodic through my body. "Who are you anyways?"

"My name is Void." My dad said and I smirked at his inside joke. "And you must be Danielle?"

My mother's face also broke into a smirk. "Hello Henry."

In an instant the situation shifted. The two suddenly drew their firearms and fired at one another. But the bullets seemed to not hit them. The bullets coming at my mother seemed to be deflected by particles of dirt and the ones fired at my father seemed to pass straight through him.

Both ran out of bullets. My father dropped his gun and drew his sword, a simple double edged blade that glowed blue in the night. With his sword drawn, he climbed the stairs and was in my mother's face in a matter of seconds. My mother, who had drawn a knife, parried his strike away. The two went at it while me and Hallo watched.

"Jake, why are you parents fighting each other?" She asked. She already guessed these were my parents, huh? Smart.

"This is how they met but I don't understand. The story goes with-" I stopped adruptly when my mother buried her blade in my father's stomach.

His looked at the blade, surprised it hadn't passed through him. "Gaia?"

"Tarturas?" They both asked each other, realizing at the same moment that they were hosting the gods who loved each other.

My dad dropped to his knees. My mother went to cradle him. "Oh Henry, when are you going to realize? The sky opposes us."

My dad coughed and laughed. "When are you going to realize this, Danielle? No matter how many times you pretend, we will always know each other especially when we walk the earth together?"

The day my father, Henry Thales aka Void aka Tarturas met my mother Danielle Sentre aka Mother Nature aka Gaia. My parents.

To my Lovebug because when we met it was like the earth and the void meeting for the first time.

Life's Partner// Thales Series#3✔️Where stories live. Discover now