Chamber Of Phobia

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Hallo P. O. V

When entering, the chamber was exactly like the others; dark. I could barely see anything but I didn't have to. In a weird way I could sense Jake.

But in an instant, Jake said. "Duck! "

The next sound I heard was a clang. A dart, dagger or something hitting Jake's sword.

He shifted around me and did the same, deflecting deadly projectiles.

"How are you doing that? It's so dark yet you know where they are aiming." I asked him as I stood up.

He turned, I couldn't see it but I could feel the weight of his eyes on me. "Open your mind up. Just imagine that it's not daggers, it's just wind going to knock you over. Then you should feel the path of daggers."

I closed my eyes and when I opened them everything was red like when your angry. Except I wasn't angry. Blue energy surrounded Jake as he stood alert, ready for anything. And suddenly I felt the air parted and I deflected it with my own sword.

I looked at my hand. In it was a silver, three foot long, swift blade. The hilt was red leather with a jewel at the end.

"That's unfair. Let me play the role of the boyfriend and protect you for a moment." Jake complained as we stood back to back.

I smiled. He knew I was playing the role of girlfriend. I could tell he really liked me too by the way his eyes would settle on me or the way he wasn't shy anymore. Something changed when I went to visit him, something that changed him personally.

My personal chamber.

We continued deflecting daggers, darts, arrows and even bullets away from each other. We seemed to know each other's blindspots and that neither of us had any.

I deflected a bullet when Jake grabbed my waist. At first, I thought he wanted a moment of intimacy, in which I was ready to oblige, but realized he was being dragged away. I turned and grabbed his arm but it was too late. He slipped through my grip and plunged into the abyss.

Into another vision.

No, not into another vision.

I burst, running the direction. Suddenly I could see him again, not sense him. He was trying to swing at what was pulling him but he was failing.

I realized that light was flowing from him, he was creating it. He slashed at his legs before realizing it wasn't working. Then he did the most stupid thing I've ever seen.

He planted his sword firmly in the ground and flipped himself over. If done by anyone else, they would have decapitated themselves and broke many bones but this was Jake. So of course, he landed on his feet, free.

He looked at me with hard eyes. Those black eyes seemed to see everything at once. He whirled around.

"It's about time, Mason's descendant." a chilly voice, came from the shadows.

Jake shut off his light for it to be replaced with firelight. There, naturally in the shadows, stood a man to which the voice belong to.

He was tall and black but not South African black, more like American. So African American. He was dressed in a brown tight suit. His face reminded me of a lion and when he opened his mouth, two fangs glistened.

"So who are you?" I asked Jake.

"Long fangs, lion like features and radiating fear like no other." He paused just enough for me to realize that what he said was true. He was radiating fear like no other.

I've seen gods radiate fear before. Just the last chamber. Tarturas and Trigon radiated fear but it didn't come from them naturally. They caused fear. This god in front of me seem to create it.

"This is Phobos, god of fear, son of Ares."  Jake forced out. He was pissed.

Phobos smiled. "Always a pleasure being recognized by you Jake. It's been some time."

"Do you know every god or just the ones in the chambers?" I asked, side glancing to see his reaction. He did the same.

"It just so happens that it's both. Probably every major god has a play in my life somehow." He admitted honestly.

Phobos sighed. "Well, shall we begin." He snapped his fingers and darkness ingulfed us.

Images appeared all around me, visions of Jake's life. Moments when gangsters shot at him and he walked like it was nothing with a sword in hand.

When he swept his hand and buildings collapsed. When he pulled souls out of peoples bodies, fought monsters and gangsters alike. How numerous gods tried to kill him but they just couldn't.

Then I saw the battle of Aeolus City. I saw Jake, well not Jake Jake, but still his body. How he ducked, flipped, stabbed and phased through people. He was... I don't even know. He seemed...

... Perfect.

I couldn't imagine how it must be for Jake. I knew that he was seeing more than I was. I knew that Phobos was cramming a lot of memories in a short amount of time in his head. It was surely an overload.

"Your fear is not that you will lose, it is that you won't fight anymore. You have given up a lot, physically, but nothing inside yourself. And that is your fear. That you will have to give something thst you don't have." Phobos voice echoed.

Jake appeared in my arms, I clung to him. His heart was hammering in his chest. I could feel it through his body.

He looked at me. "So, deja vu, so will you be my girlfriend?"

Mason is the guy who slaughtered the Thales and Nyx clans in one night. He was the last remaining Thales until Zoe's Great grandfather came and killed him for revenge.

Life's Partner// Thales Series#3✔️Where stories live. Discover now