Demonic Pigeons

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The following has no weight in the plot line. It is simply the opinion, fear and power of Jake Thales that we value and want to express.

Hallo's P. O. V

I sat in my first period, wondering what the teacher in front was saying. See, it's not that I don't want to learn it's just that it's hard when you don't understand what's going on and somehow I still manage to pass.

My pen hovered over my book, ready to copy what was on the board when I glanced out the window. In fact, more and more people began looking out the window. See, at our school, on the top floor, pigeons would stop and caw. It was irritating but everyone is used to it. That is before the caw-ing got so loud that no one could hear the teacher speak.

Outside, dozens of pigeons fluttered onto the railings and gutters of the roof. All screeching.

"What the hell...?", I mumbled to myself and even that I couldn't hear.

I shifted my gaze and all I could see was black. Thousands of pigeons flew across the morning sky making it black with blotches of blue.

"Ma'am! Ma'am! MA'AM!", I shouted but she couldn't hear me. She looked though because I started waving my hands like the freaked out person I was.

Everyone was shouting, I could tell from their movements. Even ma'am was trying to restore order but it wasn't working. Then all of the sudden, everything fell silent. The pigeons stopped caw-ing and everyone was startled into silence. That was until a pigeon flew straight into the class and landed on my desk. A few screams but no one moved.

The pigeon tilted it's head the way pigeons do. I noticed that this pigeon had red pupils. Do pigeons normally have red pupils? Do pigeons have pupils?

It screeched once then opened its beak and I will never forget that day because what happened was down right insane.

The pigeon looked at me and spoke, "Gauteng is mine."

I jumped back because
1) that pigeon just spoke
2) that pigeon just spoke to me
And 3)the voice was Jake's.

I stared, shocked. I knew Jake was powerful but I didn't know he could make demonic pigeons talk for him.

I looked around to make sure it happened and by everyone's faces I could tell it did.

Then one by one each pigeon started saying the same thing, "Gauteng is mine." in his voice.  Then all at once they said it and I had no doubt that the entire Gauteng was experiencing the same thing.

And as the sky remained black, Jake's words echoed from the thousands of pigeons.

"Gauteng is mine!"

Gauteng is his.

And in that moment, everyone ran. An alarm started blaring through the intercom system. Everyone ran out from the classrooms and towards the fields as the birds continued their three word message.

Eventually I joined by my friend, Dandy, " What the hell is going on?"

I ducked a pigeon as I made the last stretch to the field, "Well it's pretty obvious who's voice that is."

I stopped and turned towards the school buildings. The pigeons were dive bombing the corridors and classrooms.

"Okay, so this is more than just the regular rumor. Did you know..?" ,Dandy's voice carried on. Did I know that Jake could control demonic birds?

How could I know?

Suddenly my phone started vibrating. I pulled it out and saw that my father was calling me. I quickly answered to which he immediately said,

"What is rule one?"

I rolled my eyes and recited, "Stay away from the Thales' boy."

"This is exactly why. Why did you think he sent these birds?" I could hear the same screeching over the line as my father spoke.

"I don't care, Dad," which was a lie since I did care about Jake. ",what do I do?"

"The school will let you out soon. Make a beeline for the house. Your mother will be there soon."

"Okay Da-" , I started but immediately faltered when the birds opened a gaping hole to the sky to reveal a huge piece of rock falling towards me.

I dived out the way as the  rock crash landed, throwing dirt all over me and the surrounding students. I turned to look at the rock, while spitting dirt out, and realized that the rock was actually a piece of an house.

I looked up and saw that more rocks were coming. The next five minutes were spent with me and students diving , running and jumping out the way of raining rubble the size of cars.

I saw a gap through the chaotic crowd of Aeolus students and ran for the gate. Once out, I immediately ran the direction of home but I wasn't going home. I was going to Thales Manor which was no longer there anymore.

The once mansion that appeared in a day was now gone, reduced to smoke and dust.

 I ran towards it.

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