She's In

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Hallo P. O. V.

I sped walk to school, Cardi B and Rita Ora playing softly in my ears. Surrounding noise filtered into my ears every now and then.

Honestly, I never paid attention in class not because I don't want to but because I sat in the back and couldn't see the board. And I could never sit down on those chairs. Hence the reason I was going to extra classes.

Once again, a sound filled the valley. I turned to see a sleek black BMW take a corner widely, it's tail wagging out. It flew down the street and came to a stop with a lot of squealing and smoke. I, like the idiot and a genius, knew that I could not run away because that car would catch me.

So I stood there looking at the tinted windows as they rolled down.

A pair of dark eyes, slightly less darker than a black hole, met mine. The owner hung his left arm out of the window and smiled. He turned and muttered something to who I assumed was a passenger. His passenger argued, saying that how he would expect him to do something. I could tell the passenger was nervous.

But the driver changed his voice filling it with anger before pushing his passenger out.

And instead of a random guy, Jake stumbled out. He landed on his feet and caught his bag. The driver who now looked a lot like Jake, winked at me and made a one eighty around Jake and disappeared into the hill.

Jake gave me a small smile, threw his bag over his shoulder and stepped forward.

"So, extra physics?"he said and I nodded. I cocked my head for him to follow me and resumed walking to school.

He ran to catch up to me.

"Who was your driver?" I asked.

"My grandpa." He answered and I looked at him, silently asking for more. "My millenia old grandfather Exodus, Titan of Life."

"I don't think I've heard anything about a Titan named Exodus." I admitted, looking left and right for an opening to cross the street.

"Yeah, he was the only Titan son that Kronos had. He kind of went underground, literally."He admitted.

" How does he exist without people knowing about him? " I thought out loud.

"I don't know how. His probably the concept of Life itself." He answered as we crossed the roads. "So anyways, he quite interested in you."

"I would imagine." I looked at him feeling something coming on. "Anything you would like to ask?"

"Yeah, your past. I told you a fragment of mine and I want to know a fragment of yours." He answered, his voice not changing emotion at all.

I turned to him and stuck my hand out, "Hello, my name is Hallo Morrigan. My father is Nielsen Morrigan and my mother is Anushka Morrigan. I'm a second generation demigod. My dad is a first generation. His father had a thing with The Morrigan, goddess of war."

To say that Jake was surprised would be false. His expression didn't change a single bit for that ten second introduction of my life. He was the first person I ever told about that part of my life outside my family.

"Explains you being able to fight me. So that's why Exodus wants you to come." He mumbled.

"Come where?" I asked.

"A part of my training and full intervention, the Titan wants me to go to a place called the chambers. It's a place that will change me for the better or worse and will take me through my past. There's no way to prepare for it so I wanted to go alone but the Titans want me to take you with." he explained.

"Okay, I'm in."

"What?" He asked, genuinely surprised now.

"I'm in. We'll have to talk about the story we'll be spinning to my parents but yeah, I should be free." I said, loving the many emotions that were on his face.

He mumbled something about me being amazing and etc then smiled at me. He gave me a nod, still speechless.

"Now, come on. I'm late for extra classes." I told him. He stopped and looked at me.

"And why am I going to extra classes?"

"Because I said so." I sang.

Life's Partner// Thales Series#3✔️Where stories live. Discover now