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K 's P. O. V

I couldn't believe my eyes.

The gods were always watching the demigods, paying special attention to the Thales. They were much interested in Isaac especially when he started hosting Tartarus. Then he met Danielle and that interest spiked tenfold.

Especially with Zeus.

Zeus was convinced that the Thales were their future. Demigods that could host primordial gods powers. That made hosting an Olympian a very good possibility and because the Thales were originally from me, I offered to watch them.

Then they had their their kid.

The kid was normal beyond belief. You could tell by just looking at him. There was definitely nothing godly about it. Once that was determined we didn't even bother learning his name. It didn't help that his parents included him in The Remnants.

As if he could be apart of the Thales.

Maybe, the gene skipped this generation.

To say Zeus was angry was an understatement but the thing that cheered up was the second child. Now this one was promising. Isaac showed me the kid himself. He was perfect. Sure he didn't radiate power but he would definitely develop them. His name we learned, Nathan, and we watched him.

Then his parents died.

Exodus threw a fit. Who dare kill someone from his clan? He wanted to destroy the world just like that and who was I to stop him? God's don't understand. They forever want to be parents, always having kids but if you have a kid and that kid survives then you get grandkids. It's the same thing basically. But nonetheless we all know gods.

Exodus ordered the kids to be protected and for once, Zeus agreed. Nathan had to be protected. Oh and the other one.

But as always, fate got us all. Even me the Titan of Life.

The kids grew up by Danielle's cousins who evidently hated Isaac and therefore hated the kids. Well kid. At the time Nathan was two and the other one was five. The uncle and aunts hated the five year old because he had an idea of his parents.

When he turned seven however, that's when everyone else took notice. The kid was downright scary. In a year he found out what his parents were and got in touch with a Isaac's brother, Mason. He had kept The Remnants running but made it clear that he wasn't the leader. And once he consulted with Exodus, he told the boy everything.

At the time, the boy didn't seem to be anything special even though he was turning towards a direction that the gods needed. So the kid wanted to know about his parents? What was so special about that?

And yet it was exactly what the kid needed. He attached himself to his uncle, he distanced himself from his treacherous uncle and aunt, left his brother behind and continued on his way. Let's face it, watching a baby was basically babysitting. It wasn't even interesting but that didn't stop the other gods. Me not so much.

The kid was promising.

By thirteen, I had finally learned the kids name. In fact all immortals started noticing. His name was Jake and he was already progressing fast with The Remnants.

And before we could really react, the kid got his revenge for us not paying attention to him. He befriended and hosted the god of the underworld, Hades.

Again, to say the gods were angry was an understatement. Everybody literally threw a fit especially Zeus. He had done everything wrong. He had placed his hope in Nathan when he should've placed it in Jake. He had gods watch the youngling when it was the older boy he should've watched. Even I was wrong. The Fates were cruel and we paid the price for our wrongs.

The Forgotten Thales was to date the only demigod to ever host a god closest to an Olympian and the closest was definitely Hades.

Of course, many gods gave up but Zeus was persistent especially when Persephone was thrown into Tarturas. Demeter wanted to kill the Nyx host and Jake but Zeus forbid any harm to Jake. Jake was the key. He would not make that mistake again.

Unfortunately, Hades took over the boy's body and killed four gods before Jake stopped him using our powers. The cost was too much especially with The Remnants being extinct.

Zeus had had it with the boy. He was too unpredictable, too powerful. He had to be managed. It was weird that the king of the cosmos didn't hate the kid. He did after all kill four of his kinsmen. But nothing.

Fortunately nothing had to happen. Jake came to us and now I was training him.

I was reminded about all of that as I watched Jake create life. Perfect life. How he came to be so powerful is beyond all of us.

When I discovered Jake, I didn't ever think he'll be stronger than his father, definitely not his mother but now I was starting to think different. He clearly surpassed his parents a while ago when he summoned an avatar using our power but he wasn't the strongest since the Nyxling had done the same. That and the fact that his ancestor, Dwight Thales, had hosted me and killed the entire Thales and Nyx clan.

But at the rate it was going, he would surpass even me. And as I watched him, drenched in sweat and blood, bones broken, eyebrows furrowed, the powerful aura radiating from him...

...he could definitely do it.

Life's Partner// Thales Series#3✔️Where stories live. Discover now