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"Why do you always end up injured?" Emma asked as she examined him, standing at her door at 10 pm. "and you said you had the fight earlier this morning, why are you here so late?"

"One, I don't always end up injured. I got a few good shots at him too. And two, that son of a bitch knocked me out for good." He croaked out.

"Come on in, dimwit." She invited him.

"That's not how you are supposed to treat a patient." He corrected.

"No, that's how I'm supposed to treat you, now shut up and sit there." She pointed at the sofa, as she went upstairs to get the first aid kit.

Soon, she was back down and applying ointment to Noah's wounds, a black eye, a bruised cheek and a bleeding nose.

"You'll be good in sometime." She added to the hissing in pain Noah when they heard a sound. And Emma burst out laughing as Noah turned red. It was his stomach asking for food.

"Jeez. You really must be hungry. Come on, let's get you food." Emma informed him whilst chuckling.

"Yeah, thanks." He mumbled out of embarrassment.

They went to the kitchen and Emma served him with delicious pasta.

"This is so good!" he moaned in delight with his mouth full.

"Thank you." She smiled.

After Noah was done eating, he watched Emma as she washed the dishes.

"Noah, stop staring at me like a creep and go take a shower, you stink." She complained.

She said that the first time she visited me. He smiled at the thought.

"Stop smiling like a creep!" he chuckled.

"Mind showing me the bathroom, dear." He asked. And she nodded.

Leading him upstairs, she showed him the guest room, "You can shower here, and I'll get you clothes."

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