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Emma was frustrated. She stumbled down the stairs and went to the kitchen. She was having migraines again, she hadn't taken her pills. She didn't feel the need to. Yet. The world seemed to sway under her feet. Stumbling, she reached the glass of water and sipped some water. Taking support of the counter, she balanced herself.

When she felt a little better. She stood up properly and filled the glass with water again. She started walking to her room when she felt it again and the glass slipped out of her hands and landed on her foot.

She yelped and bent down to pick up the shattered pieces of glass from her heavily bleeding foot.

"Jesus!" she mumbled. "Ouch!" she injured her hand.

"Why does nothing go right in my life?" she sighed. First let's clean up my wounds then I'll do the cleaning.

With all the power she had left in her, she climbed the stairs only to fall unconscious in her bedroom. "Oh, boy." Was the last thought she had, before she passed out with a bleeding hand and foot.

Noah felt guilty for what he did. Maybe he should've stayed. What if Luke came? Oh, god. What have I done? What if he harms her?! Fuck.

He crushed the cigarette under his shoe and hopped on his bike and went off to her home.

He felt weird this time. There was something wrong. Quickly, he climbed the steps and rung the doorbell. After a lot of ringing, he tried calling her, maybe she left? He though. But she would at least pick up the phone. The only thing he could do now was pick her lock. Jesus. Nothing is going right. What if they took her? What if he lied? What have I done?! I was supposed to protect her. With these thoughts running in his mind, he picked her lock open and burst inside, breathing heavily.

He looked around and shouted, "EMMA! WHERE ARE YOU?! EMMA!!" he obviously got no response and then his blood ran cold.

A shattered glass and blood. No. please, doesn't let it be. "EMMA!!"

He didn't want to believe it. He ran upstairs and looked in her room to find her there, in blood.

"Emma, wake up." He checked her pulse and relief washed over him when he felt her breathing. Thank god. Gently, he kissed her forehead and muttered, "I'm so fucking sorry, Emma."

He picked her up and laid her on her bed, then he cleaned her wounds and bandaged them up. She's going to cringe so hard when she wakes up and looks at this, he smiled at the thought.

Sprinkling some water on her face, she opened her eyes and choked out the word, "pills."

At first he was confused but when he understood, he looked around to see a box of pills. He helped her sit up and swallow her pills. Relief washing over him at the sight of her. She looked vulnerable, all because of him.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"You better be." She smiled. He definitely cared a lot for her, or else he wouldn't have returned.

"Am I forgiven, your highness?" he grinned.

"On one condition?" she smiled, an evil glint in her purple eyes.

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