Chapter 10- Let Me Wake Up

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                I woke up. And I mean I really woke up. I could move my body around, which was sore and stiff at first, but best of all, I could see.

                Niall was leaning over the bed railing, staring at me, while Rachael was rushing out of the room yelling for a nurse. He stared at me, then looked at the doorway, then back at me in disbelief.


                I weakly smiled and glanced at the pitcher of water next to the bed. He poured me a glass of water and handed it to me, but after noticing my hands shaking quite a bit, he held it to my lips for me to drink. My throat was dry, and my lips felt like they were cracking when I moved them.

                “I’m really sorry Molly, for everything. And I feel really bad about this but I have to go to L.A for our first performance of our new song. I tried to get them to let me stay but-“ I cut him off before he could ramble on any longer.

                “I know,” I told him, my voice sounding strange and raspy, “it’s alright.”

                He smiled, but his eyes still seemed sad. “Our manager is having one of our security guards stay with you while we’re gone, only for a few days really, but just so you’re safe. He’s a great guy I promise. When I come back, maybe you’ll be out of the hospital by then and I can take you out on a date? A better one, it’ll be perfect.”

                I wanted to cry, or scream, or both at once because he doesn’t understand how much of a hassle I’ll be, but on the other hand, he didn’t even seem to care. He really seemed like he liked me which I couldn’t really grasp. Why?

                Then I also wanted to tell him about my parents and the choice they said I had. I chose to be with them, didn’t I? Isn’t this my last time here? To say goodbye? But then there was a little part of me telling me that maybe I still had a choice to stay.

                I needed to know how he felt. I needed to know if he loved me enough to stay with me and figure out all this shit that I’ve been carrying around for years, or if he was going to leave once he found everything out.

                All I could say was okay, because I couldn’t just ask him if he loved me when he was already going to leave me. And who knows if he’ll actually come back?


Hey okay so hi, haven’t put anything out in like a year… I’m so sorry and if you want to kill me I don’t blame you one bit.

Anyways, this chapter was just so I could put something back up and let you all know that I’m going to try and give this story a good finish and not leave it hanging like I kind of did..

The bad thing is that my writing style has changed a little bit so it might seem really different or harder/easier to read because of it. It also might seem like I’ve skipped a few things and what not and that’s because I have an ending planned out now, and before I was just going chapter-by-chapter. Hopefully you’ll all understand it though!

BUT since this story had pretty good feedback, I wanted to finish it:) and so let me know what you all think!

p.s. I’m going to do something new, and have it where if you comment on any chapters from now on, I’ll dedicate an upcoming chapter to you:)

Thank you loads for your patience I really appreciate it!

Also, check out my Ashton/5SOS fanfic, ‘Hospital Rooms & Mental Wards’ if you have a chance or eventually want to cry or what not

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