Chapter 3

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It's Saturday and I have today off although I have a feeling there will be a cardio case. I looked at the schedule for next week and have been pulling out notes and textbooks. My pager goes off and it's a 911 from Luke.

I rush downstairs grab my purse and my keys and run out the door. I get in my car and head to the hospital screw going the speed limit. Now there really might be something on the schedule for today.

I get to the hospital and Luke looks like he's about to have a panic attack. I see Amile and some of the guys in a huddle talking. I walk over to Luke to find out what is happening.

Me: "What is going on?"

Luke: "There's been a shooting"

Me: "Anybody have injuries?"

Luke: "Yes"

Me: "Oh my god"

Luke: "Looks like a cardio surgery"

Me: "Scheyer would have to do the surgery"

Nicole: "He's in the conference room"

Luke: "You're going to have to do it"

Me: "Okay it's a race against the clock. Someone grab me my scrubs, shoes, and my scrub cap."

Luke, Erin, Nicole, and I all run inside stupid I know but the longer we wait the less time we have to do the surgery. I run up the stairs like a mad woman and put everything on Erin and Nicole are helping me. I run to the OR as fast as I can.

Me: "So much for it being a peds day"

Luke: "You sure you know what you're doing?"

Me: "Yes"

Luke: "Calm down and breathe"

I go over every step in my head from start to finish. I nod my head to the anesthesiologist to administer the drug. Okay time to see what I can do.

I have no notes and am doing this from memory. So far so good and thankfully no complications. I'm about half way through before someone walks in. Thankfully it's only Scheyer and the chief.

Scheyer: "I just heard how far in are you"

Me: "I'm at the halfway point and are almost done"

Scheyer: "So you've been flying solo on this? You could've pulled me out."

Me: "Not much time and yes I'm flying solo. Now I have a world class surgeon on the table so I would like to continue saving him."

I start to go back and do the procedure. I look up at the gallery and notice that Luke has Tristian with him watching this. He's getting the riot act read after I'm done. After completing the entire thing I walk into the hallway and cry it out. Luke walks up and sits next to me.

Me: "Are you kidding me?"

Luke: "What"

Me: "If you were a kid would you want to watch a woman who should be your mother operate on your father. He shouldn't have been up there."

Luke: "Okay I'm sorry"

Me: "I'm going to the recovery wing you coming"

Luke: "Yes"

Luke and I walk to the recovery wing. Practically all of us are down there even my father. I walk over to the chair and sit down Tristian runs over and sits in my lap.

Me: "Hey buddy"

Tristian: "Will daddy be okay?"

Me: "Yes"

Tristian: "Promise"

Me: "Promise"

Everybody starts to leave but I stick around a little longer. Never thought I would be doing a surgery today let alone this one. Grayson starts to wake up and I yell for Luke.

Me: "Hey you"

Grayson: "Hi"

Luke: "Hey"

Grayson: "What happened?"

Me: "You got shot and had to have surgery"

Grayson: "Who did it?"

Luke: "Another world class cardio surgeon"

Grayson: "Seriously"

Me: "Yes"

Luke: "It was stupid of us to run in"

Me: "It was a matter of life or death and one of us had to take one for the team"

Grayson: "You mind taking Tristian for the night?"

Me: "Sure I don't mind"

Luke: "I have a date with Nicole"

Grayson: "What a surprise"

Me: "I'm heading home. You get some sleep I'll be back in the morning."

I get up and take Tristian to my car. The kid sleeps all the way there and I walk in and put him the spare bedroom down the hall. I put him to bed and kiss his forehead and walk to my room. I put on a pair of sweats and one of Grayson's sweatshirts and I fall sleep.

A/N: Sorry I apologize for the first three chapters being so short. Let me also apologize for this chapter didn't mean to scare anyone but in the show there are two instances where shootings happen one in second season finale and also the sixth season finale. I promise no more drama well there might be. I hope to have a chapter of One Boy One Girl out soon my apologies for that one taking so long. 

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