Chapter 11

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The hospital was doing the annual benefit gala tonight which meant getting dressed up for the evening and talking to hospital donors. Erin, Nicole, and I were looking at wedding magazines and coming up with ideas for what we both wanted. We heard Luke walk in and he rolled his eyes at the three of us in my office.

Luke: "Don't you three have surgeries"

Me: "Not right now we don't"

Luke: "You three are kidding me"

Nicole: "I don't want to hear it"

Luke: "Okay fine"

After he left we went back to looking at magazines and using post-it notes to mark pages. I was sitting there designing my dress I had this drawn when I was little but I wanted to redesign it and make it look better. I was also working on table seating for later tonight one of many things I was assigned to do. The three of us got paged to the conference room probably for some meeting.

The three of us all walked up the stairs and walked in and sat down. The rest of the bunch walked in and we were all sitting there talking before the department heads walked in. Gray and the rest of the staff walked in and started to talk about tonight and what we needed to do to get more money for the hospital.

Luke: "You do have a date"

Me: "Yes of course I do"

Nicole: "Wish I could trade her"

Grayson: "Really you two this isn't a competition for who has the better date"

Nicole and I: "Excuse me"

Luke: "You both are very pretty and it shouldn't matter who your date is"

Erin: "You're stupid"

Luke: "This is true"

After we got done I went to my office and needed to grade some exams. This exam I passed with flying colors and if I had to take it again I would still pass it. I heard my door open and Gray walked up behind me and took the pen out of my hand.

Me: "Hey give that back"

Grayson: "These aren't going anywhere"

Me: "I want to finish these up"

Grayson: "Do you remember taking this exam"

Me: "And you were quite the help when I was studying"

Grayson: "Just wanted to give you a little motivation"

Me: "Thanks for that"

Grayson: "You going home before the event"

Me: "I am not but your mom said she's watching the kids for the night"

Grayson: "Okay"

After Gray left I went back to grading exams and then worked on my dress. I walked out to my car and grabbed my dress and shoes for later tonight. I bought gold shoes and a gold beaded dress and a black clutch to go with it.

After all of the surgeries were done we were all in various rooms getting ready. Erin, Nicole, and I were in my office getting ready the guys wanted in but we told them no. After Erin and Nicole left I was standing in from of the mirror putting my earrings in and heard Gray sneak up behind me.

Grayson: "I would love nothing more than to get you out of this dress"

Me: "And I really want to take off your tux but we have to be there"

Grayson: "Can't we just skip this"

Me: "They want us all to be there"

Grayson: "Okay fine"

The two of us walk into the room where the event is and everybody is either dancing or talking with a drink in hand. I walk off to go find Erin and Nicole and I could fine Nicole who had a drink in her hand. Erin came walking in with Joey Baker of all players he's neither Luke nor Gray but I will say he is good looking and is a combination of the two.

Nicole: "No way"

Me: "What"

Nicole: "Her and Joey Baker"

Me: "You didn't know that"

Nicole: "No and you did"

Me: "Yes"

I picked up a glass of win good thing that I can now drink a glass of wine after giving birth to Ella. There also was dinner involved and Sam is still cooking she can make just about anything and she's like a grandma to all of us. Nicole and I somehow got called to the dance floor and we know Gray and Luke can't dance and that's well documented in many Duke BluePlanet videos.

Grayson: "You want to leave early"

Me: "Neither of us went home and I would like to"

Grayson: "And my mom could use a break"

Me: "Yeah I mean I don't want to stick around too long"

After talking for awhile we walked out to the car and headed home. We walked in and Sherry was cleaning up a little. Gray walked over and helped her while I walked upstairs to check up on the kids. I walked into Tristian's room and you could hear his soft snores just like his father. I walked out and went into the nursery and Ella was sound asleep clutching her teddy bear I could tell that she was going to have the personality of her mother and that of course her father was going to be protective of her.

I walked into the bedroom and took off my makeup and earrings. I slipped off my dress and put on shorts and a t-shirt and got into bed. Gray walks in and takes off his tux and puts on a pair of shorts and pulled me into his chest. He takes a piece of my hair and and twirled it around his finger and I start to yawn and he kisses my shoulder and I fall asleep.

A/N: I have been neglecting this book of course with writing two other books and the show doesn't come back on for another month so there really isn't much for me to use. If you have not watched this show it is on Netflix and I strongly recommend you watch it if you can or if your parents will let you. I got done with the first season in one day but it's really good. 

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