Chapter 4

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The intern exam is coming up and everybody is stressed to the max. I had cheat sheets and pair of flashcards to study from. I walked into the locker room to see Nicole and Erin trying to study. I start to laugh at the two of them.

Me: "Looks like you guys haven't gotten much sleep"

Nicole: "We've been up late trying to study. What about you?"

Me: "I have copies of old exams and a pair of flashcards"

Erin: "Not all of us have the benefit of sleeping our way to the top"

Nicole: "Sleeping with our bosses has its benefits"

Me: "You get the best surgeries and the best cases"

Nicole: "What do you have planned tonight?"

Me: "I have a date after work"

Erin: "How fun"

Nicole: "Don't we have to get to the skills lab"

The three of us along with everybody else were wondering why we were all here. From what I heard there is this big surgery that involves all of. Everybody except for me had their notebooks with them.

Scheyer: "I take it you all heard about this surgery?"

Everybody: "Yes"

Me: "Why are we here?"

Scheyer: "We are going to practice the cardio part"

Nicole: "Why don't they just go ahead and give it to you"

Me: "That wouldn't be fair to everybody else in the room besides we are a teaching hospital"

Scheyer: "Who wants to go first?"

Marvin raised his hand before everybody else could. I decided to go last of the bunch. The strategy is to watch everybody else so that if someone does make a mistake you can figure out not only to not make the same mistake but also to see where the mistakes were being made and why along with explaining them.

We got through everybody else and some did okay in attempting. Now it was my turn to try. The thing is I think everybody is afraid that they will make a mistake and then it trips you up in the process messing with your head. I walk up to the table and start to do the practice procedure which was a challenge but then I like a challenge. I get through the procedure and sit down.

Scheyer: "Well I think we found our cardio person"

Luke: "What a surprise"

K: "You may pick one other person"

Me: "I pick Marvin"

Marvin: "It would be my honor"

We all get up and walk out of the room. I start to head to the library so that I can study for the exam. As I'm walking I get pulled in an on call room for something.

Me: "What are you doing?"

Grayson: "We should continue from last night"

Me: "This couldn't wait until later tonight"

Grayson: "I want to get a head start and continue later"

Me: "Can we just not talk"

I lock the door so that no one could walk in. Grayson pushed me up against the wall and started to kiss me. In the process my hair tie came out. I've wanted this for I don't know how long. I pulled away so that I could catch my breath.

Me: "I'm going to head to the library Nicole wants me to study with her"

Grayson: "See you in surgery"

Me: "Fine"

I walk out and put my hair back in place. I hear Luke laughing and I give him a death glare. I walk into the library to see Nicole and Erin laughing.

Nicole: "Took you long enough"

Me: "I'm sorry I got pulled into a surgery"

Erin: "That's not what Luke said"

Me: "Nicole let me guess he told you"

Nicole: "He tells me everything"

Erin: "Was it good?"

Me: "It was more than good now can we please study"

A few flashcards and exams later we get up to head to the surgery. The three of us walk into the scrub room to get ready. Luke was one of the first few in the room.

Luke: "Look who decided to show thought you would be in an on call room"

Me: "Shut up"

Luke: "How long have you been waiting?"

Me: "Long enough for me to kill you and make it look like an accident"

Thankfully Scheyer and the rest of the gang walk in. Luke and his bunch started and finished in good time. Next was Peds the woman was pregnant and they had to get the baby out which they did. Now comes the final act of this surgery and probably my favorite part. Marvin I could tell looked a little shocked. 

Me: "You look like you're in shock"

Marvin: "Now I know why cardio is good"

Me: "I could tell in the lab that you have a gift for cardio"

Marvin: "Yeah but I made a mistake"

Me: "People make mistakes all the time even surgeons make them but it helps to learn from them so that you can be a better doctor"

Marvin: "Good point"

The surgery finishes and then I walk into the scrub room to clean up. I walk up to the locker room to change for this date that I have. I pull out the outfit that I plan on wearing for the evening.

Nicole: "Can't remember the last time you wore that black dress and silver pumps along with the scarf"

Me: "I can that was a long night. I'm surprised that these shoes survived."

Erin: "Why?"

Nicole: "She almost wore the heel out pacing back and forth down the hall during the half"

Me: "I may or may not see you two in the morning"

Nicole: "Have fun don't stay out too late"

Erin: "Tell us everything"

Me: "I'll try"

A/N: I'm sorry for this being short I have been extremely busy with work and trying to write two stories all at the same time. Saw some good numbers from our boys at the combine last week. I'll try to have a chapter on the other one out this weekend good thing is that it is a three day weekend. Until next time you guys.

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