Chapter 9

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Nicole wouldn't shut up about this pediatric surgery she was getting to so while I was on bed rest. If I could only get out of the house to watch the surgery believe me I would. When I get back believe me I will be stealing surgeries to make up for lost time. Erin, Nicole, and Luna came over with ice cream good thing the guys weren't here.

Nicole: "I'm nervous for tomorrow"

Me: "Don't be nervous you'll be fine Amile and Nolan will be in the room"

Erin: "What about you?"

Me: "I'll be at home unable to sit in the gallery to watch it"

Nicole: "I want you to see this surgery it's my first one"

Me: "Good luck getting me in"

Erin: "We'll think of something"

Those two left because they had to get to the hospital to do the surgery. I decided to risk it and and go in to watch the surgery I could sit in a chair and then use one to prop my feet up. The one good thing is if I go into labor there will be doctors sitting in the gallery and then one of those idiots can help with the delivery. I did check the schedule and there is a cardio surgery maybe I could get in without Grayson knowing.

I put on a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt and put up my air and I decide to put my hood up. I get in my car and head to the hospital to see this surgery and try to figure out how I'm going to get in. I walk into the hospital with my hood up and walk into the gallery and sit down and prop my feet up on another chair. I'm surprised that I can walk because I can barely see my own two feet. I heard Luke walk up behind me and whispered in my ear.

Luke: "I thought you were on bed rest"

Me: "I wanted to see this surgery and you really thought I was going to sit at home and miss this"

Luke: "I'm going to go get him"

Me: "The surgery he has will take hours so for now you are not afforded that option"

Luke: "And what if something happens"

Me: "There are doctors in the room"

Luke: "Okay fine"

Amile, Nolan, and Nicole walked into the room and started the surgery. Nicole was doing the surgery without help unless she needed it from either one of them. Flying solo on a surgery is an amazing feeling and it is a rite of passage. During the surgery I started to feel a little pain in my stomach.

Me: "Okay Luke I am going to need you to go interrupt the surgery he is in and grab me one of those two in the room"

Luke: "Fine"

Me: "Hey Erin can you get me some morphine and get me a room"

Erin: "Sure"

Luke came back in with Grayson and they walked me into the room Erin prepared for me. They hooked me up to the machines and they did an ultrasound. Erin walked in with the morphine I asked for and she gave me that.

Grayson: "I'm pretty sure you were in bed when I left"

Me: "Yes but I wanted to see this surgery"

Grayson: "Doctors make the worse patients"

Me: "Shut up"

The three beds surgeons walk in after their surgery to check up on me. Nicole walked over and started to laugh at me. Amile and Nolan were writing vitals and a few other things on a chart they created for me. 

Nicole: "Are you kidding me"

Me: "I wanted to see the surgery since it was your first"

Amile: "How you feeling champ"

Me: "Just fine but then I do have morphine"

Nolan: "Everything looks good but that girl is stubborn like her mother"

Me: "I thought it was suppose to be a surprise"

Nolan: "I'm sorry"

Me: "It's fine"

I start to have a few contractions every now and then but nothing too bad. Everybody for one reason or another cancelled the surgeries they had. I felt like at any moment I could go into labor.

Grayson: "You feeling any better"

Me: "The morphine helps but my contractions aren't any better"

Luke: "You stubborn woman it just had to be today"

Me: "I don't control pregnancy and when I feel I'm about to go into labor. Oh my god can you grab Amile or Nolan."

Luke: "Sure"

Grayson: "You sure you're okay"

Me: "My water broke"

Luke comes back in with both Nolan and Amile and they take me to labor and delivery and prep an OR. Who knew that today this would've happened good thing I can trust these guys to deliver their niece. After a few screams and pushes later they are able to deliver this stubborn little girl. I was asleep when everybody walked into the room I was in but a loud cry woke me up.

Nicole: "Hey there sleepy head"

Me: "Hi"

Erin: "She is absolutely perfect"

Luke: "Have you thought of a name"

Me: "I like the name Ella"

Grayson: "It's perfect"

Me: "My parents are where"

Grayson: "They are meeting us at the house"

Nolan and Amile signed my discharge papers and let me go home. Luke and the guys had set up Ella's car seat in my car so I took her home with me. When I walked into the house my parents along with William and Sherry were sitting on the couch. I walked upstairs to the nursery and put Ella in her crib and put on the baby monitor. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch.

My mom: "Hey baby"

Me: "Hi"

My dad: "Hey princess"

Me: "Hey dad"

Sherry: "She is absolutely precious"

Grayson: "Just like her mother"

Me: "I guess I could try to get some sleep"

My mom: "You don't have to do it all"

Me: "I know"

After they left I went upstairs to put on some shorts and a long sleeve shirt to sleep in. I walked into the nursery to see Gray sitting in the rocking chair trying to rock her to sleep. After all this time and waiting around for him I finally got what I wanted and Bailey will never get it back not as long I have anything to say about that.

A/N: Summer league play starts soon so I'm ready to see our guys play. I really want a Grayson jersey but they're not online to purchase yet but Marvin and Wendell's can be ordered. I'm trying extra hard to try to make these chapters longer. I'm also watching the show on Netflix from the beginning so maybe I can pull some ideas to use.

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