gemma !!

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I got up  and reluctantly started walking downstairs towards the hall..and saw gemma sitting on one of the dining chair with her eyes fixed on her mobile

I saw my mum preparing something in the kitchen ...i.think gemma's favourite that was always the  tradition whenever she came home ..

I walked towards dining table are u ?...i said to Gemma in a  very cold forced voice...

Her head quickly shot up indicating that she was totally unaware of my presence ..

Hello Harry ..she said with a small smile..when did u come??she asked

Early morning... .. I answered and she nodded

How long have u been here ?? I asked.

Not long...jst half an hour...she said

Meanwhile mom came with all the delicious food ..and started setting it on the and Gemma started to help her with the same

We all sat down to eat you eat five star restaurant's meal
.but nothing satisfies more.than a home cooked meal by  your mom's  dad Gemma ?? mom asked ..and I nearly choked on my food...why mom has to ask  about him now

He's good ....Gemma answered
..having a quick glance at me

I sensed a kind of awkwardness on the dinning table and I prayed to God to save me from it and.
Luckily my phone buzzed .

I quickly answered it..

Hello ..yeah..ok..yeah we will be there thank u ..  I said before hanging up my phone

Whose it ? My mom inquired .

It's from Merna.. she was confirming our travel tommorow..I replied and mom nodded

You guys are going somewhere ?Gemma asked with a furrowed eyebrow.

Yeah baby we are are planning on a vacation to India

Wowwwww....she squealed..i have heard a lot about that diversity ,culture ,food..jst wowwwwww...she said excitedly ..

Well Gemma if you want to come along ..u are welcome  mom said.smiling at her.
I.quickly turned my gaze towards mom and gave her the "what are you doing" look

She returned me the" shut up and let me  handle it" look ..

I just sighed and sat there

Gemma might have noticed our eye conversations but she finally decided to interrupt it.

No mom I can't come ..I have work here  you guys just go and have a blast.

Gemma if you want to  come u are most welcome I will arrange the tickets ..but I don't want any discussion about that man throughout the journey...and don't talk to him while I am around..that's it .

Ohh yeah...and u think I am going to listen to your orders..she snapped at me

It's not order it's request ...hearing anything about him pisses o-
I was interuppted mid way by Gemma

Stop calling him that man he is you father for God sake..she shouted... have some manners she snapped at me

He is your father and not mine and if you can't listen anything against him..get the hell out of my house... I shouted back.. shouted  at me ..apologise to your sister right now ..she said with anger and hurt in her voice..

I closed my eyes and apologized to Gemma who was standing there with her  eyes full of tears. ..

It's okay Harry...I deserved this...I deserved this for loving you so much when all you do is hate me ....she said in a barely audible voice..

Gem..I was not able to complete my sentence as she took her purse and walked out of the house quickly...

I wanted to stop her but there was also a part of me which  doesn't want to care about her long as she has that man which she calls her dad in her life I can never be there ..

I turned  back  and looked at my mom  whose eyes were full of sadness and helplessness ..she didn't say anything ...she just silently walked to her room...I thought she will shout at me ..but seeing her like this ...really broke my heart ...


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