encounter with Des styles

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4 months later

Harry no...I said giggling  and shoving his face away while he was trying to push me aside a corner to smother me with his velvety  kisses ..

God...Harry , it's ur sister's wedding and ur trying to have a makeout session ..

I can't help it babe ...you look so beautiful..he said leaning towards me for a kiss while I sneaked out of his grasp giggling  and ran towards to where Gemma and her husband were  sitting making Harry groan

I came to London 5 days ago and we were so busy with planning everything to make sure that her marriage become the most memorable day of her life . Me , the 1d girls and Gemma couldn't even find the time to breathe and Harry being Harry started having his childish tantrums and started nagging "I don't see you enough" , " you never have time for me" , "your always busy" but with such a hectic schedule I didn't had the time to listen to his whines so today when he finally get hold of me he was not ready to leave me even for a minute .

Gemma was marrying her long time boyfriend Mac Roberts. He seemed to be really nice guy but he was more of introvert , only talk when compelled to , but he loved Gemma with all of his heart , we all were able to see that how happy Gemma was with him and we all were sure that he will always  keep her happy so I  was glad that she was going to have a good  partner by her side for the rest of her life .

Where we're u ? Gemma asked as soon as I came near her

Sorry ...just got caught up...I said running a finger through my forehead

She glanced behind me and gave me a naughty  smirk

Okay...I got it who got u caught up...she said

I turned around and saw Harry walking towards us , I finally looked at her and winked making both of us laugh

Hey..Gemma...I'm so happy for u..he said hugging her and kissing her forehead

Thank you Harry..she said cuddling more to him.

He then hugged Max

Take care of my sister ..I know she is annoying and difficult at times but still...he joked  patting his chest

Trust me man I know...he joked making all three of us laugh loudly while poor Gemma just rolled her eyes at their comment.

The processions were going well , I  sensed that Harry was getting a little uncomfortable and quite , I glanced around and saw his father walking towards the front row seat...I sighed and held his hand in mine while kissing his cheek lightly ..

It's okay baby...I whispered

He simply nodded

Harry's POV

I saw him again , I never wanted to see that face but I saw him..he really made my blood boil , he had the audacity to talk to my mom  casually as if nothing had happened between them. How many days my mom has slept with tears in her eyes when he took Gemma away . She made my moms life miserable and his face doesn't even show a trace of guilt in them , we r indeed surrounded by some shameless people who have sold their soul be it that man or Naina ..they destroy people and their face do not show even a trace of regret .

I was shoving the 5th glass of beer down my throat sitting a little away from the crowd to compose myself

Harry... I heard a voice and  anger rushed  through my body , I didn't even need to turn back to see who it was because that person is engraved in me in such a way

Go back...I said not daring to look at him

Harr- he was about to say when I threw my glass in his direction.,that merely escaped and hit the wall beside and shattered into million pieces .

I said go back ..I screamed at the top of my lungs ..I was glad that the ceremony was happening at a far away distance ,as I didn't want to create a scene there

Son- will u ever listen to me ? He asked calmly

Listen to u..I said with a sarcastic laugh...what the hell should I listen about u Mr. Des styles ?
How you made my mom's life a hell ? , How you separated our happy family ? How you created a distance between me and Gemma..what should I listen huh ?

Harry...I'm not going to deny the fact that I indeed destroy our family ..I know what I did was wrong and b-elieve me I regret it every day of my life ...I wish I could go back in time and make every- I interuppted again , I can't stand this man for too long

Cut the bullshit Mr. I'm not in a mood to hear your dramatic nonsense ..I still remember like yesterday when u abused Mom , you slapped her in face and what all words you used to say to her ...I can never forgive u for the pain you have given her.

Harry...we are all humans..and we all make mistakes..I and I know I made a mistake that could not be forgiven , but I'm facing my karma , my son hates me , I don't have my wife or a beautiful family with me anymore , I don't have a reason for living

Then go and die..I don't give a damn ..just stay away from my mom , I never will allow her near you ...I will not allow to destroy her...she is far better and happy without you and dont u dare spoil that..I said staring right in his eyes .

I started walking towards the door when his annoying voice stopped me again

I hope one day you will realise the importance of forgiveness my son. - I just hope ..he said tears flowing through his eyes

I couldnt care less as I moved out of the door slamming it harshly ..

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