The phone call ..

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We reached our home and still my mind was left there outside the hotel...such a big star gave his number to me..what the hell does that suppose to mean...

I told angel about it and she suggested to call him and ask him for.myself rather than sitting here and guessing ..

At night I finally made my mind to call him..anyhow I wanted to meet him again for the foundation...if it is happening so easily..I think I should go with the flow...

Harry pov

Today I got up kinda late..I decided to explore the rest of the city before my trip to Delhi ...I was feeling very happy today...a kind of positiveness surrounded if something good is going to happen...

I walked out of the hotel...and as usual I saw the paparazzi.but I was more adjusted to them it didn't disturb me..then I saw the big crowd of  fans behind them..the real reason of my existence
I  waved to them and My  eyes wandered through them and  my eyes stopped at one girl..the same girl with angelic face ,simple pure beauty i understood why I was feeling happy today .....this girl and I sure had some kind of connection in the past ...

I  walked towards her...actually I wasn't walking I was gravitating towards her..she was standing with her head soon as she felt my presence..her eyes shot up...and let me tell you..they  were the most beautiful eyes that I have ever had so much depth and I got lost in them...

A girl which I guess is her friend screamed at me..she looked pretty excited unlike the angelic face who was looking as if she was forced into this..

We took some selfies and I signed her autograph but whole time unknowingly my eyes were just gravitating towards the angelic face if they wanted to see her and no one else..I couldn't contain myself so I  wrote my no on a piece of paper from the autograph book and gave to her while handshaking with her.

She looked at me shocked after reading it and I winked back at her to show her how confident I  am but God knows how nervous I was from Inside..what if she doesn't like what I did..if that was any other girl I would not have worried that much..but I know she is different..I don't know how she will take this ..will she consider me a flirt..
god why am I thinking so much about a girl  whom I barely know..

The whole day went on thinking what will she assume will she call or not..yesterday the paparazzi spoiled my fun and now this girl... 

Anyhow..after sightseeing i finally reached my hotel..

I took shower and was laying in my bed hoping for that one call..
That was the time I realised how much it affects youn when you desperately wait for someone's call and they do not call ..

My thoughts quickly wandered from the angelic face to my mom..I am doing the same thing with her ..I am giving her the restlessness that I am having now..

I finally decided to call my mom..after 2 rings she picked up...

Baby....??how r u....are you okay ...she said crying

I am fine mom...and I'm sorry for how I behaved and what I said....I love you mom...I didnt mean any of those.. I said with a choked throat.

No's not your fault...I'm sorry...I should have come with were so excited for it....she said.

It's okay mom..things happen...I ..there is always a second time ..I said

She smiled ....So how's India ?she asked changing the topic you..ohh the paparazzi ...I finally understood

Yeah ..Harry styles in India is a song here now...she said laughing and I laughed back loudly ..

Well India is pretty amazing..completely different from  Britain or any other place that I have visited..I didn't visited many place yet..but as much as I have's an amazing place..

Uhm..and I also saw a rare precious gem here  that I didn't find anywhere else ..I said smiling and blushing

Gem..what kind of gem?..she asked confused...

I'll tell you about it when I will reach there mom... I said .. smile still not leaving my face

Ok baby....take care of yourself...enjoy a lot and come soon..I miss u..

I will come soon  Mom...and I miss u more..I said.placing a kiss to the phone and she did the same..

Our conversation ended and I felt so much relieved after talking to if 1000 tonnes object had been removed from my body...I was at peace finally

My thought shifted back to the angelic face..I was wondering how can  a girl actions and my emotions this much was pretty weird actually

I was lost in my thoughts when my cell phone unknown number I quickly picked it up

Hello?..Is this Harry styles... A sweet voice came from the other end

Ye-ah..I said nervously

Uhmmm...I am Naina u gave me your number this morning..she said..I sensed the awkwardness that she was feeling

Yeah...I never thought you'll call I said

I actually wanted to talk to you about something ..she said

Yeah sure...we can meet if you want ...I said raising my eyebrow not knowing what will be her reply on this

Yeah..thank you we can meet tomorrow at the  gateway of India  if you don't have a problem.

Sounds good I said calmly though on my inside I was Belle dancing ..

Ok..see you tommorow..she said

Ok...and yeah..please come alone..I said again raising my eyebrow in nervousness

There was a pause of 15 seconds before she finally said okay..

Bye. I said and hunged up.

My instincts were right ..everything was good today..talking to my mom seeing angelic face ..oh sorry Naina seeing  Naina again, Talking to  her..everything went really nice

I saved her no as angelic face...that's sounds much more good for her..

The whole.night I was thinking what to talk with her so  that she didn't consider me a flirt and rather  will have a good impression of me..

No matter how many times I have talked to girls..performed in  front of them...I still get nervous talking to them.


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