engagement part 1

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1 year later

Naina ...oh my God , your looking so damn pretty , Harry will not be able to keep his eyes off you today ...Angel giggled nudging my arm as she adjusted violet flowers on my hair .

I smiled widely ...I finally was going to be Harry's fiance today..yes today I was getting   engaged to Harry , I still was not able to believe that all this was happening so quickly  ..I met Harry just 1 year ago and now here I am going to be his bride to be ...if someone would have predicted this back then I would have freaked out but today when I think about it , it makes me the happiest girl on Earth alive. I still remember each an every moment of the day when Harry proposed me


Good morning gorgeous...his beautiful voice woke me from my sleep , I smiled hearing his voice which was 1000x times more soothing and sweeter than an irritating alarm

Good morning handsome ...I said back getting up and running my eyes in an attempt to fully wake me up

I miss u  ..he whined like a small baby

I smiled at his utter  innocence

Harry ..I came from London just last week

It's difficult to spend a day without you and your talking about week ..he said in a dramatic tone .

Don't u have practice session today? I asked

Well there Mrs Naina , it's really polite way to tell someone to fuck off..he said making me laugh loudly

I miss u ...come to Australia..he said

Harry I can't ..I have work here , it's really getting hectic with all the meetings and clients and so-

Yeah..clients, meetings right , hmm...what about your boyfriend ? He asked jokingly

Well my boyfriend is very understanding so I don't have much of an issue with being a workoholic...I said bitting my lip to prevent myself from laughing 

Ohhh ...wow baby I'm flattered , should have been a politician ,u know how to play with words ..

Hahahahaha.....thanks for the compliment , will definitely consider the option making him laugh loudly 

Uhmmm..Harry I gotta go , there is an important meeting today...bye baby

Bye..he said in a disappointed voice  just like a child who had been denied his favourite chocolate


I finally checked the last record file before rubbing my eyes and getting up from the chair , I checked my wrist watch and it read 11:30 ... I sighed and took my purse before making my way through the dark  and empty corridors of my office and into my car.

Ohh..wow what a timing.. , I said frustrated as soon as I saw tiny droplets appearing on my car window and being washed away by my windshield .

Once I reach my apartment , I ran quickly into the house  after unlocking it. Angel was visiting her mom for 2 days making it so lonely and boring in the house .

I changed to my comfy clothes and sat on the couch with left over sandwich from my breakfast. I was  really missing Harry so  much so I decided to text him

You: I miss u ☹️☹️

I waited for 5minutes but there was no response from him which was unusual since he always text back within a minute or two specially since when he  was not having any sessions today .

You : Harry ? R u upset with me , or else why u don't reply ?

He saw my message but still didn't reply and that's when I freaked out...he never did that, was he seriously going to drag such a small thing into a serious matter

I decided to call him instead , the ring went but he didn't pick up

I huffed in frustration before throwing my phone on the nearby table and laid on the couch

Not 2 minutes later , I was woken up by my phone ringing  flashing Harry's name

Ohh ...look who decided to finally reply ..I said in an sarcastic tone

Babe...look how cranky  u  become when u miss me ? He said giggling which was really annoying me right now

No I'm not missing u ...I snapped back  , well I was but ur egoistic  ass killed the moment .

Can you open the door...he said making anxiety run through me

Harry ..wh- I was not able to complete my sentence before anxiety took all over me  I stood on my feet and ran towards the door opening it .

There was he  standing in midst of heavy rain looking sexy as hell  with all socked up in rainwater

Harry.....I squealed happily running towards him not caring about the rain and hugged him tightly . He lifted me off my feet spinning me before finally allowing me to be on my feet

You-how- when? I asked not able to form complete sentence

My baby missed me , so here I am  ?..he said brushing hairs out of my face before placing a soft kiss on it .

I was about to hug him back before he stopped me

One second he said backing out and taking something out of his pocket , he opened the blue velvet box and my heart stopped at the sight of it

A beautiful red Ruby embedded ring was taken out of it and  Harry now kneeling down in front of me , I covered my mouth with my hands in order to stop myself from screaming  in happiness .

Naina ..I don't think any words can express how much I love u  so it's better not to try ..he said making both of us laugh lightly

I love you Naina ...I can't wait to call you my girl , u r everything that I ever imagined and I want to spend rest of my life with no one but you ..I don't want to wait any further to ask u this when I'm 100percent sure that this is what I want ..

There was a moment of silence before he continued

So..wi-will u marry me ? He asked looking nervously at me

I couldn't find words so I vigourously nodded my head with happy tears flowing uncontrollably from my eyes ..he smiled back at me and slid the ring on my finger before kissing it .

He finally stood up and cupped my face in his large hands

Tell me I'm not dreaming ..I whispered

No ur not ...he said wiping my tears

Prove it to me...I said looking him straight in his eyes

He smirked and pull me close to him before attaching his soft lips to mine , our lips moving in a syncronised motion making me believe that this moment was indeed real

Proved? He asked between the kiss

Proved..I whispered kissing him back with passion

End of flashback

I am glad that I'm engaged to a person who loves me and whom I love like crazy...he made me feel like I am the only girl in the world , he came all over from his tour just to propose me , he did everything to make sure I was happy . My parents was not so happy about me getting married to an international celebrity  earlier but they had no choice but  to give  into my wishes...I know that life with him is not going to be easy but I'm ready to face any hurdles with him being always by my side ..

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