I.III : How I Met Midoriya

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The bell is ringing! It's time to go home! Have a safe trip, kids!

"<Mispronounces (Y/N)>"

"It's (Y/N).. (Y/N)."

"Forget that. The gang's gonna meet up later. My place. Like to come?"

"Oh sorry, my Dad.. uhh.."

"Haha! That's what I'd thought you say! Welp, see you tomorrow then!"

"Yeh.. see you."

A few days later after I befriended Bakugou, my Dad finally let me visit the playground. For a long time, I've been begging him to do this. And every time I asked, he would be busy with his.. Dad Might issues.

But since he probably had nothing to do in his life for now, I have seized the opportunity to take the chance!

"Daddy.. Let's see who gets to the playground first!" I said.

"Alright then. I'll go easy on you."

"But you always let me win~!"

*reveals his hero appearance*
"That's it, (Y/N)! It's on! See you at--"


Haha! Dad.. always revealing his hero form in public by accident. I feel sorry for him but I couldn't waste my hours with him being overprotective of me. All Might.. even on his break, he never stops from being all-hero.

So when he was occupied by some fan groups, I snuck my way to the playground to seize my moment! I laughed out in triumph as I slid over the slide, swung over the swings and other childish things there.

As I looked over for a bit..

"Hmm.. Dad seems busy, running away from his fans.. better get to the sandbox before he finds out~!"

So I got on my feet and started to run towards the sandbox. As I did so, I fell into a trip. I opened my eyes to find someone lying underneath me so I immediately got up.

"Oops. I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going!" I offered my hand to the kid. He grabs it and gets up.

"It's fine! I hope you are!" He smiled sweetly. The afternoon sun radiated his forest-green hair. Very.. green.

"I'm okay! But what happened to you? Surely that fall wasn't too bad to make a bruise like that.."

"What? This? Oh.. it's just a scratch. No worries, I guess."

That worrying look in his expression. Even until now, I feel like that there's something he's been hiding away. But how? Who would do such a thing? I shrugged it of as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Alright. No problem then!"

He smiles, I smile too. I broke off into a laugh. The green boy seems confused but laughs with me also.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya! What's yours?"

"(Y/N) Yagi~!"

"You're the new girl in school?"

"I am~! And I'm sure excited for this school year! I just hope we can be awesome friends~!"

"Friends, you say? But I thought we are already friends~!"


A few awkward silence remained. We both smiled as we stood there [like some idiots] with the sun setting.

"Well.. I better go now!"

"I'll you soon!"

As I walked away from Izuku, I was suddenly bumped into something.

"(Y/N). Where were you?"

"...Hi Daddy~!"

"It's getting dark. We should get home, sweetie.. Race to the finish line!"

"Heyy! Wait up!!"

*Minutes later at Home*

"So.. rough day?" I laughed at him.

"Well.. if wasn't for Miss Trouble. What did you get up to this time..?"

"I made a friend~!"

"A friend?"

"Yup! I did! And he's like the nicest person I've ever met!"

"(Y/N), every person you're friends with are the 'nicest ones' to you."

"He's different! And he's also shy!"

"He seems 'friendly.' And make sure you don't miss the green peppers.."


And that was how he became my friend. Knowing him, Izuku's the kind of person who would always root for you, even in the darkest of situations.

The deeper the darkness. The more dazzling the light shines!

By then, he was my second best friend. Sure, I still have Katsuki with me. Back then, I wonder what it'll be like when the two show up to each other.. who knows?


My School Life Academia | Deku x Reader x Kacchan | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now