VII.III : Evening

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Eventually we reached up to Izuku's neighbourhood. I looked around and I felt a little a bit nostalgic. Maybe it's because of how many years I've been gone? Who cares, I missed this place so much. We stopped by his building. We had to go up to get there.

"Mom, I'm home!" Midoriya said as he opened the door to his apartment.

"Izuku! My baby!" someone cried out.

It happened to be Izuku's mother, who was running across the hallway towards us. I don't know but.. has she been stress-eating lately?

Izuku's mother hugged her son tightly and I couldn't stop but smile at the sweet mother-and-son love I was witnessing right now. Very tender.

"So how's your first day, honey?"

"It was pretty cool. I brought a friend over for our research.."

"HE'S BROUGHT A GIRL!" she squealed happily as she made her way towards me with a big smile.

"So tell me, darling," she said to me sweetly, "Who must you be?"

"I.. Well, I'm.."

Before I could answer her question, she carefully studied my actions. And then she changed to examine my expressions. Even after 10 years, she still practically remembers me!

Now it was my turn to be hugged by Izuku's mother. Her hugs were always warm, soft and comfortable!

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!"

"I guess I'm back, Mrs. Midoriya-"

"Just call me Inko, dear!" she said as she started to let me go.

"Thanks, Inko!" I said.

*Minutes Later*

I entered Izuku's bedroom and I expect no less of it for a fanboy of 'All Might.' He had posters of him around the room, had 'All Might' figurines on his desk, and it's like he's everywhere around the room. I tried to keep myself normal as possible as I looked at some.. uhh.. Dad merchandise.

"This must be heaven for any 'All Might' fan, Midoriya.."

"You think so?" He murmured as he dropped his backpack down and went to a nearby cabinet to reach for his other notebooks.

"Ahh! There it is!" He smiled as he got one of the books from the cabinet.

We both sat on the bed, with Izuku trying to find the right page on his eighth Hero Analysis notebook. He pointed the page out with his finger as he tries to read along his notes.

"Here it is.. Fundamentals of Quirks,"
He started, "..When two powerful Quirks activate at the same time, it creates a dangerous reaction that could destroy anything around them. Only the two persons who owns the Quirks, remain unharmed-"

"Izuku, you're muttering again."

Realization hit him as he flusters himself back to his original state. Red embarrassment has already painted his face that he tries to cover it with the notebook he was reading.

"Well, whatever it is, Midoriya. It may not be some normal problem any hero can solve quickly.."

"That's why we're here to investigate."

"I know. But what happens if the case was like.. beyond impossibility? Like it's some strange phenomenon nobody could ever explain?"

"Nothing's impossible, Yagi."

We both smiled at each other. I looked at my watch as the sunset radiated the clock. So I decided to grab back my bag as I stood up.

"Well.. it's getting late, Izuku. I should better get going, you know."

"Are you sure, (Y/N)? It's kind of dangerous to go out in the dark. Plus, my Mom's happy to have guests-"

"No, Midoriya," I lightly rejected his offer with a smile, "You, and your mother, helped me too much. Besides, I can handle a little danger!"

"Uhh.. I guess so," He said.

Couple of minutes have passed, and I left the apartment, with Izuku and Inko staring at me from the inside.

"Please do come back, honey," Inko whimpered as she waved goodbye.

"I will," I replied, "..And Izuku, in case you have any additional information, let me know, alright?"

"Yeah, (Y/N)."

"Okay then.. see you both soon!"

*Minutes Later*

Finally, at home. After I undressed myself, wore into my casual outfit, and took a well-rested nap, I plopped onto the couch and started booting up the television. I sat there changing the channels until my favorite show came up onto the screen.

An hour later or so, I noticed my Dad, still in his hero form, entering the living room. He started to sit down on the couch beside me as I glued my eyes onto the television.

"(Y/N), have you eaten dinner?"

"Yeah, Dad," I replied as I pointed out to the kitchen, "There's still some Teriyaki left if you want some.."

"Good thing for you."

"Uhh.. why, Dad?" I asked him.

He brought out a small box from his bag. He placed it onto the coffee table and immediately opened it up. My eyes.. my eyes.. it's so beautiful!

"I brought doughnuts~!"

"YES!" I yelled loudly, "YEA.. AHH!"

My chant was transformed into a scream as I got startled when Dad just suddenly coughed out blood and deformed back into his skeleton form.

I fell off the couch out of shock. I stuttered for a bit but I came back to my senses as I scratched my head. A bead of sweat filled in my expression.

"You okay? He looked down at me.

"Yeah, it's nothing," I murmured back, "I mean.. until you startled me."

"My bad," He replied.

"Go ahead.." I smirked as I grabbed myself a doughnut to bite. Chewing on it, the flavor was too lovely that it quickly blocked out what I was trying to say to him, "Mm.. tastes good!"

"You're happy all of a sudden.."

I gulped my doughnut before I replied. And I gave him a thumbs up.

"Well, I did have a big day anyway!"

"You sure did, (Y/N)," he chuckled softly, "..You sure did."


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