VIII.I : Bicycle w/ Bakugou

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It was the second day of school. This time, Dad allowed me some time for the morning. Earlier, he reminded me that he has to attend another business meeting at UA so I had the house to myself for the next few hours.

When those few hours have passed, I woke up from my bed and headed myself to the shower. After my lather, I finally dressed into my UA school uniform; I'm still learning how to tie my tie.. but it was worth a shot!

Looking through a mirror, I tied my hair up into my usual, cute <hairstyle of choice> and made my way to my schoolbag. I grabbed my bag, which I already prepared the other night, and I let it slide down my back.

Before leaving the house, I grabbed a few bites of the doughnuts Dad brought last night as a last-minute breakfast meal. I closed and locked the door when I walked outside. I went to grab my bike as I pedalled through my neighbourhood.

On my bicycle, I stumbled upon a road intersection, along with a couple of other pedestrians waiting for the vehicles to pass by. I stared at the horizon while I waited for my turn. Coincidentally, I could see a familiar blonde spiked student, who was also on his bicycle on the way to school.

So I walked up to him just to give him a little nudge of morning greetings before getting to school and study.

"Good morning, Katsu-kun!" I waved as I dragged my bike along with me.

"So you're on wheels today?" He asked as he watched me.

"I just felt like it," I smiled as I adjusted my bicycle helmet a bit.

"Same goes for me, Yagi," He replied.

Ding! I had an idea in mind! I gave myself a hidden smirk as I hopped myself onto my bicycle.

"Say, Bakugou," I grinned at him, "Since we're on our way to school.."

"Don't tell me we're gonna do something so idiotic or anything."

"Now you're talking!" I teased him, "Why don't we race down to school and see who will get there first!"

"Sorry, (Y/N). No can do. Besides, would I really do something like-"

"Cluck cluck! Chicken!" I yelled loudly  as I tried to imitate the sound of a chicken. I could notice Bakugou getting pissed off with me.

"That's it, Yagi," Katsuki scowled, "It's on! One-on-one! No hard feelings or anything, (Y/N)-chan."

"Yehey!" I shouted, "Well I'm gonna do my best, you know, Katsu-kun!"

We prepared our pedals as we waited for the go signal. First it was red, then became yellow.. and finally, green.

Our bicycles zoomed across the street as we pedalled hard, trying to avoid any obstacles in our way. We dashed through many corners of the city. I tried to keep up with my pace as Bakugou was smoothly taking in.

We went through the park and all the leaves, that fell on the ground, whirled up as we rolled the pathway. The blowing breeze and the crisp of the leaves skipped a beat as I rode my bike. I laugh to myself as I traverse.

Then I watched Katsuki from the distance. He, who wasn't as lucky, tried to dodge as many blockages (and people) as possible. His eyes was surely fixed onto the prize. Besides, it was Bakugou; he lives to be the best.

At last we reach the street that led to the school gates of UA. I slow down a little as I engaged myself to my full potential. I pedalled harder and rode straight to the finish line. I could picture myself in eternal glory.

But Bakugou lunged in forward and used his explosive Quirk to overtake my chances of victory. And let's just say that he won his prize.

"Aha!" He celebrated, "I got you!"

"That's pretty unfair, Bakugou. You used your Quirk to win-"

"(Y/N) Yagi," He smirked as he pointed out, "You just said earlier that we would be racing to be the first to get to UA. And to be specific, you never pointed out about whether we can use our Quirks or not."

"Ha ha ha.." I giggled, "I guess you're right. You win this one."

"Good thing. Anyways, you're great, too. I can totally say that." He admittedly said as he parked his bike, covering his face this time.

"Aww, so sweet!" I joked him as I walk up to the staircase of UA High, "Now come on, Bakugou. We've got school to catch up, you know!"

Bakugou gave off a smirk at the end. I pulled him as we walked up to UA.


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