XIII.I : UA Sports Festival?!

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A/N: HOT BELGIAN WAFFLES. WHAT THE FUDGE. It's been like idk a long time since I've haven't touched this fanfic (coz I was busy with the other new fanfic I'm making). And I come back, with like idk.. 9K views??

So I'mma say "THANK YOU" to all the readers who've been reading this WattPad fanfic and "SORRY" for being such a lazy jerk coz honestly, I've been very busy with school stuff.


The next day went kinda okay. Well I'm saying that it's "kinda okay" because it's a Monday. And everyone gets picky when it's Monday.

When I entered Class 1-A, everyone was huddling in different corners, telling stories of their weekends.

Then Mr. Aizawa-san showed up to shut our mouths up. And that's when we became silent because the look on his face seemed like you shouldn't be messing with him. I mean, he is scary to begin with.. look at his eyes!

"Good morning, Mr. Aizawa!" We all said in harmony as we stood up.

"Meh," He bluntly replied, "Time's wasting. Get back to your seats. Real seats. I'm taking to you, Bakugo."

"YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!" came a voice from the other side of the classroom. Katsuki was sitting on a random chair, looking pissed off.

"Oh my god," I facepalmed quickly, trying to hide the laugh inside me.

Aizawa just stared at him with his lazy eyes. Katsuki, on the other hand, felt like he wanted to punch his face. The class went silent, watching them. I grabbed some popcorn to enjoy.

"So.. you want to do this the hard way?" Aizawa strictly asked Bakugou.

"..MAKE ME!!" He protested back.

Then Aizawa unleashed his "toilet paper" around the porcupine boy (well it looks like some toilet paper and there's nothing you can do about it). He put the student back into his chair and continued to speak in front.

"Anyways, this month we are announcing the Sports Festival. But I think you knew that before I even said it, so I'll make things clear. Don't screw up and don't be a jerk, okay?"

"Uhh.. yes, Mr. Aizawa?" We all responded, with blank expressions.

"Alright, you're all dismissed!" He said before we all ran out of the room like stampedes. It was such a random moment for a random school day.

*Minutes Later*

Then I sat with Ochacolate by my side as we continued to eat our recess.

We were already talking about the Sports Festival, until the two boys entered the scene, beside our table. Broccoli boy and Sonic the Hedgehog.

"Uraraka-san, Yagi-san," said Tenya, "Mind if we join into your talk?"

"Enough with the formal!" I giggled, although it was kind of weird, "Of course you guys can talk with us!"

Then they both sat down on the other side of the table. Tenya kept on doing his serious look, nevertheless. Izuku, on the other hand, was reading. We talked over the situation afterwards.

"Let's strive hard for glory!" Uraraka said with some little motivation.

Tenya said, "Don't worry, I'll be fast!"

"Sure thing, Iida!" I said, "You too, Midoriya! I think you'll win in the competition. You've got power!"

"Power?!" He flustered, "N-No! I don't! I'm too weak and skinny!"

And he flustered so much he kept on moving sideways until, eventually, he fell down on his seat and knocked out on the cafeteria floor, panting hard.

Then coincidentally, Katsuki was just passing by and unexpectedly tripped over Izuku. So the situation was like some "bump over each other" scene.


"Oh- Hey!" Izuku flustered again when he met eyes with the boy, "Gomen! Gomen! I'm sorry!"

Then out of shock, he frantically ran away from him and ran away. I just looked at the moment and was kind of confused, honestly, like.. what?

"Are you okay?" I stopped him, grabbing his wrist and I felt so much warmth heating up his arm.

"I'm fine!!" He blushed hard and kept on smiling at me, "..I'm just tired.. yeah! I'm probably exhausted. I'll just check on Recovery Girl, alright?"

And then I let him walk away. Then I turned my head to see Katsuki, who was now boasting about the festival.

"I'll tell ya this, punks!" He yelled with his loud voice like he always does, "I'm gonna win this year's Sports Festival and you're all gonna be weiners before you know it!"

"How can you say you're going to win the festival?" I stepped up proudly.

"Because I'm Katsuki Bakugou. The best boy than the rest of Class 1-A. And don't you mention 1-B, cause they suck. I'mma win the contest."

"What happens if someone else won the contest instead of you, Katsuki?"

"And who can that be?" He asked.

"Someone like me," I answered him, "What if I beat you in the festival?"

"You have a point," He admitted and started making a bet, "So here's the deal, if any of us win the contest.."

"..They can order the loser to do anything they want. No objections."

"Sounds like a good bet! You better keep working out if you want to take a chance on beating me, child."

"Oh sure, I'll wait for that," I said.

And we both parted ways. Katsuki went one way and I went the other. I came back to Ochaco and Tenya, who were still on the table, confused.

"Making a bet with Bakugou?" She said, "That's some brave and stupid thing you've done there, (Y/N)."

"Nah, I can handle it!" I smiled.

"I hope you can," Tenya said, "He's a tough meat to beat, (Y/N). It'll take a miracle to even defeat that guy."

"Oh really?" I giggled at them, "I know too much. Piece of cake! Even he himself doesn't even know it!"


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