VIII.III : Class Rep

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"You heard me, didn't you?" Aizawa corrected us, "It's voting period. It's time to vote for a Class Rep."


"Quit the complaining. You'll get used to the system. It's plain simple."

Class Representative? On the second day of school? Well I mean, they do have it back in my old school.. but this feels a little rushed for me to handle. Just yesterday was the first day. We had to miss orientation for a Quirk Apprehension Test.

Then there was the subjects that followed in, and also the Battle Trial my Dad tried to take care of. We've only known quite a little of each other, excluding the Girls Squad from earlier, and it's already time to pick..

Right now, everyone went silent, thinking of someone who was worthy of being voted as Class Rep. I see Uraraka smiling at me as she plopped her arms onto her desk.

"You know, I think you should be the Class Rep for 1-A!" She whispered close to me so nobody could hear us.

"What? You must be joking," I tried to object of what she just said.

"Well you were a great Class Rep back in middle school, just saying~!"

"I beg to differ, Ochacolate."

*Minutes Later*

A few moments were already finished and Aizawa finally stood up to see the results of the votes. After checking, there were three possible choices.

It was Izuku (surprisingly), Momo and then.. there was me.

We all stood up from our seats as we made our way to the front of the classroom, where Aizawa-san was.

I discovered that Momo was the only person who was deputy rep. Which left Izuku and me to become the class representative.. this doesn't seem right at all. I turned to Aizawa-san.

"Mr. Aizawa," I reminded him, "But isn't there supposed to be one class representative for one classroom?"

I also did that because I didn't want to experience that feeling of being the representative again. Back in middle school, like Ochaco said, I was elected as one. I was excited. Because I knew that you would get extra respect but then I had a lot of consequences.

- - Flashback - -

"Miss Yagi? Since you are the president of Class B, can you bring back the text folders I left?"

"Uhh.. Y-Yes, sir! No problem.."

* cutscene *

"There's another Quiz Bee coming up soon. Miss Class Representative, can you handle it on your own?"

"Why.. I sure can! Ha ha.."

* cutscene *

"What kind of behaviour is this Class? Who is the representative here?"

"Uhh.. I am, ma'am."

"How irresponsible of you. Is this how you control your class everyday?"

- - Flashback End - -

There was awkward silence in the air after that. I cannot seize my chance by letting myself become Class Rep again. Never again! I tried to speak,

"I think Midoriya's a better Class Rep than I am, Aizawa-san."

"What are you saying-" I heard Izuku.

"But how about you, Miss Yagi?" Aizawa turned to me, "You're still one of the elected nominees."

"I can handle other responsibilities," I answered confidently, "Is there any job for a secretary, maybe?"

Please. I can do anything. Anything but being the Class Rep.

"Hmm.." Aizawa thought and made a decision, "..Sure, no problem with that. I mean, we don't usually have a secretary in charge but we can adjust some changes to it."

I sighed in relief. I noticed Izuku staring at me in awe and confusion.

"Then that's settled. Momo will become the deputy rep, (Y/N) will be the class secretary, and Izuku will be the class rep. You may take your seats."

We separated ourselves from each other and walked back to our seats. Walking past other students, I could hear Midoriya quietly murmuring.

"That was brave of you.. (Y/N)."

"It's fine!" I replied as I finally sat on my desk, along with Izuku as well.

"No, I mean it this time, Yagi. The way you handled the situation.. that was very bold for someone like you.." Izuku admittedly said.

He stuttered for a second and I saw a big blush flush around his face. He grabs his 13th Analysis notebook, in hope to cover his embarrassment. I gave him a pat on the back.

"..You too as well, Izu-kun!"

I watched Izuku blooming in blushing colors. It's just so adorable! It was quite short until he stopped it and gave me a straight expression on his face. Dang, he found out my trick.

"Yeah.. Ha ha, very funny of you."

"What can I say?" I giggled at him, "I think you make a good class rep for yourself, Izuku Midoriya!"

"You really think so?"

"Sure do! As a friend, you can do it! You just have to believe yourself!"

Izuku and I exchanged smiles as we lowered our heads on our textbooks, in ready for the next subject. We both saw Aizawa-san leave the classroom, with Present Mic replacing him.

Oh. It's already English class.

I looked at Midoriya as he jotted down his hero notes on his book.

"..You'll make a cool class rep."

Pink.. it colored his face again as he wrote down his analysis scores. He looked down on himself, without any eye contact with mine. He sighed.

"..You'll make a cool secretary also."

"Teehee!" I giggle, "Thanks!"


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