Chapter 27

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Skye's POV:

This time was different.

I didn't wake up in fear, disoriented, or unsure of where I was. I knew exactly who I was, where I was, and what had happened. And I couldn't believe it.

I trusted her. I thought she was on my side, someone I could depend on in this mess. I'd even called her a friend. Yet she stabbed me in the back, cold and calculated, without even a shred of hesitation. The betrayal hit like a knife twisting in my gut, leaving me seething with anger and disbelief.

A deep breath steadied me as I stretched and rose, finding myself lying on a hard, unforgiving floor. My body felt stiff, but my mind was anything but sluggish. I noticed another form sprawled out beside me, face down. I didn't need to see his face to know who it was—Axe. His scent was unmistakable, even faintly laced with alcohol. Of course, he got caught, too. He probably drank himself stupid. Idiot.

Grunting, I moved around the room, taking in the sparse, sterile environment. It was a holding cell, no doubt. A camera in the corner blinked steadily, and a large mirror dominated one wall. Walking closer to the mirror, I tapped it lightly, smiling to myself as the subtle vibration confirmed my suspicion. It wasn't a mirror; it was a two-way glass.

They were watching us.

I decided to have a little fun. Closing my eyes, I focused on the emotions radiating from the room beyond the glass. Fear. Anxiety. Nervousness. These weren't seasoned professionals watching us—they were afraid. I let my gaze lock on the source of the strongest emotions, and I smiled sweetly, waving at them through the glass.

The anxiety spiked. Good.

One by one, I repeated the process, focusing on each individual's emotional signature and making it clear I knew they were there. Panic blossomed in waves. My amusement grew until I hit an unexpected wall—a presence radiating pure, calm amusement.

An Alpha.

I frowned, reaching out to feel his energy more clearly, and recognition dawned. Alpha Daniel.

"You can hear me, can't you?" I called out, my voice ringing in the silent room. "Hello, Daniel."

The amusement faltered, replaced by a surge of anger and pain. I tilted my head, letting the words flow from my lips like venom. "What did I do to piss you off, Alpha D? Did I take something? Hurt you somehow? Betray you? Lie to you? Almost kill you?"

Each accusation was met with a flicker of restrained emotion, but nothing too volatile. Until...

"Did I kill someone you love?"

The explosion of anger was instant and blistering, so intense I almost felt it burn my skin.

"Ding, ding, ding," I said coldly, pacing back to where Axe lay unconscious. "I did, didn't I? Well, that will be something fun to remember."

I crouched beside him, my fingertips already glowing with silver light as I hovered them over his body. He was a mess, reeking of alcohol and defeat. I didn't bother healing him; instead, I focused on jolting him awake. With a wicked grin, I sent a little energy into his mind.

Half a minute later, Axe shot up with a strangled cry, drenched in sweat and looking wildly around.

"You're welcome," I said dryly, crossing my arms.

He glared at me, his breath still uneven. "I can't believe you've been betrayed by—"

"Yes, I know," I interrupted, my tone flat. "Pretty shocking."

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