Chapter 01 ~ Broken Promises, Broken Heart

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It's been five years since Harry left me, for the second time. The second. He came back for one night after the first time and that was to go to prom with me. Yes he came back, just to go to prom to me, and that night was magical. After prom, after the slow dance, Harry took me back to our tree, the one we carved our names into one year prior. He danced with me again and then he kissed me against the tree, right next to our engraved names.

The night continued with him spending the night and sleeping in my bed with me. Unfortunately my parents were home so we couldn't do anything too inappropriate with one another, especially with the door open. My mum, and apparently his mum, made that clear that the door was to be open at all times. It didn't stop us from getting a little touchy feely with one another under the sheets though, but nothing more than kissing happened. 

But five years later and I stood at our tree, our names were still engraved to the bark and I couldn't help but smile at the sight. I haven't been there myself since prom night and I wondered if Harry still thought about that tree. I've been at the tree for almost an hour and Harry promised me that he'd be there at this exact time this exact day. But he hadn't shown. 

It slightly unnerved me, that he wasn't here. He promised and he never breaks his promises, but then again he said we'd keep in contact but a month after prom I tried to call him and he just ignored me, and ignored me for another month until his number had changed. That's what broke me even more than the day he left. The day he stoppped talking to me, for good. I had no way of contacting him. His number, and his mum's, had changed, his social media's had been taken down, or he blocked me, and he never told me why.

The minutes ticked by and I gave up, it's been an hour and a half over our due time and I knew he wasn't coming, so I pushed myself away from the tree and headed back home. It was a five minute walk to my car and another ten minute drive. Unfortunately I still live in the same small town of Holmes Chapel. It's not that bad when you think about it, the town I mean. It's nice, small and quiet, in most places. It's a nice place to live, but it's nothing without Harry.

I arrived back home to my shared flat with my two new friends, of whom I made at Uni when I studied teaching. I never thought I'd be a teacher, but my acting dream failed, and so did my football dream, so I went and studied sport and drama. An unusual mix some would say but for me it works.

"Hey Liam, hey Niall" I greeted to the two lads sitting on the couch their arms around one another. 

"Hey Louis" Liam replied glancing over to me and smiled before he returned to the televison.

Niall and Liam are dating, they have been since high school. I was a little jealous of their relationship because it reminded me of Harry's and mine before he left. They're still clingy, just as if they just started dating, and they never left each other's sides. They also have a lot of sex, which makes it awkward for me, but they normally give me warnings for when I need to leave for the night, then I normally go to Jade's for the night. 

Jade's a girl my age who works with me. She's the English teacher and she's a very strict one I may add, but outside of school she's a fun bubbly girl. 

"I thought you were supposed to meet with this Harry lad" Niall said through a mouthful of chips. I frowned at his manners but it didn't bother him, nor Liam.

"I was meant to, but he didn't show" I sighed sadly and collasped onto our single seater couch. "I just don't get it. He never did anything like this before. He always stuck to his word" I put my face in my hands. I didn't want to cry, I didn't want to get upset over him again. Over five years and you would think I would be other him, but I'm not.

"I'm sorry mate. I'm sure he has a good reason" Liam comforted and reached his hand over to pat my leg, but he couldn't reach, so we settled for a hand hold. Which didn't set Niall off, to my surprise.

The Tree 》l.s *boyxboy* ✅Where stories live. Discover now