Chapter 18 ~ Children

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"Hey Niall" I chirped over the phone.

"Hey Lou, how's things?" Niall asked me, sounding as if he were doing better.

"Same old, same old" I shrugged. "Harry and I are just spedning the day in bed" I informed. Meaning it totally in a non sexual way, but that doesn't mean there won't be any sexual activity going on.

"Oh... I haven't interrupted then have I?" I frowned because I knew he'd make a crude remark about us.

"No, you haven't" Harry said into the phone, since I had it sitting front of us on loud speaker.

"Oh. Hey Harry didn't realise Tommo had the phone on speaker" we chuckled at Niall until he started speaking again. "So. How's Liam? It's been a while, has he y'know? Moved on?" my heart ached and I didn't know what to tell him. I glanced at Harry for a second and was grateful Niall couldn't see our faces at this particular moment.

"Hey Ni. Do you remember Jordan?" I asked curiously.

"Mm, if you're talking about your ex, than yeah I know. Why?" his voice grew confused.

"Well, you see. Jordan has been an arse and has tried to win me back. But somehow he and Liam are now, I think, a thing" the line went quiet, a side from breathing. That was the only thing that told us Niall was still there.

"Ni, you still there?" Harry asked the Irish boy.

"H-he moved on? I know I told him to, but I never thought he would, I never fully prepared myself for the day it would happen. Y'know?" I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. I was in the same boat as Niall, in a sense. Harry left and told me to move on, just as Niall did to Liam.

"They won't last" Harry informed Niall. "You two are too inlove for him to fully move on from you"

"You think so?" Niall asked hopefully.

"I know so. From what I've seen, you and Liam are so in love that he'll come to his senses and go after you like he should have months ago" that hit a sensitive spot in me. Is that what I should have done? Should I have gone after him all those years ago. I mean this situation sounds almost exactly like mine and Harry's. Niall left, Liam is heart broken. Liam calls him, Niall ignores. Niall's got a sort of sickness, Liam wants to be there. In all honesty it's history repeating itself.

"Thanks Harry" Niall said and I could imagine a smile on him. "Sorry guys, got therapy now. Bye"

Niall hung up the phone and I set mine aside on the night stand so I could return to cuddling Harry. It was my last day off work before I had to head back to the school and I was nervous. I didn't know if the kids were going to pull their heads out their arses and pay attention or if they were still going to be little shits and ignore me. All I know is I'm thinking about quitting schools, I might even try my old high school...

As I laid there with Harry wrapped in his arms I continued to think about what I should do with my career, because I need the money if I'm going to be able to support Harry, and maybe Liam. He is working but he doesn't seem to be going to work as much. Either he's calling in sick or he's getting less hours.

"Lou?" Harry asked and drew lines on my arm. "You okay?"

I looked up at him, he was curiously looking at me. "Yeah. Just thinking about work" I shrugged in my lying position.

"What about work?"

"Whether or not I should quit" I sighed, I mean I'm not going to quit unless I know I'm going to be placed, but I seriously need a new job.

"Why? Is it the students? Lou you can't let them get to you. There's always that one teacher everyone hates" Harry stopped drawing lines on my arm and repostioned our bodies so we were still on our sides just a little further apart so we could talk.

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