Chapter 13 ~ Bedroom

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My alarm went off at 6:30 in the morning. I had to start setting my alarm because I haven't been able to wake up without one. But this morning wasn't very pleasant. Last night I told Harry I was ready for sex again but things didn't go as planned. 

I climbed out of bed, seeing as Harry had already gotten up, and left the room walking with one crutch. Thankfully I have my appointment today and I can hopefully get the dreaded thing off. 

I walked into the kitchen where Niall and Liam were eating breakfast, casually chatting. Even if Niall is a little more distracted. I walked to the counter where Harry was pouring milk into his bowl of cereal and placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"Harry are you okay?" I asked softly. 

"Fine" he replied harshly. 

"It's okay. It happens to eveyone" he scoffed and grabbed his bowl walking to the table. "Harry, c'mon you can't be mad about it" 

"I can and I will" 

Liam and Niall had stopped talking and had begun to listen in to our small arguement. See last night after I said I wanted sex Harry was all for it, only problem was he couldn't get turned on. No matter what he got me to do to him he just couldn't get erect and that instantly killed the mood, and now he's upset at himself.


"Stop Louis, I don't want to talk about it" I closed my mouth, I understand he's upset about it who wouldn't be? But he doesn't have to be so rude about it.

"Is everything okay?" Liam asked us curiously. 

Harry and I glanced at one another before he looked away and I just sighed, I walked off to grabbed myself a banana not really that hungry. 

"Okay then. Hey Ni, I'm having a shower, want to join?" Niall's cheeks reddened but he got up to join him anyway. 

Once they were out of the room I took a seat at the table next to Harry and brought myself closer to him. I rested a hand on his thigh and he turned to face me. 

"Harry it's fine, we can try again" he shook his head. 

"I don't want to. That was humiliating" he admitted to me.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care, it happens to everyone" I gently squeezed his thigh.

"Has it happened to you?" Harry turned his head curious in my answer. Honestly it has happened, that was with my first boyfriend after Harry left, I was eighteen and in Uni.

"Uh yeah. Our relationship didn't last long after that" I admitted to him. "But that won't happen with us. I love you too much to let you for something like this" 

"But what if we can never have sex-"

"Woah, we chose to walk in at a bad time" Liam said and stopped in the door way, causing Niall to crash into him. 

Harry didn't seem to happy that they walked in, but neither was I. They heard what we were talking about and this isn't something that should be broadcasted around. 

"Harry, I'll be back" I kissed his cheek. Harry smiled awkwardly and let me head off to the shower. This day will be interesting.

After work again today Harry, Niall, Liam and I decided to have a movie marathon. Right now we were halfway into our third movie and it was nearing 1am. Liam and Niall were lying long ways on the couch, Liam spooning Niall and resting his chin on the blonde lads head. 

Harry and I on the other hand were settled on the single couch, we've realised that since being here Harry has added a few kilos, which has made him heavier than me, so now Harry can't sit on me, as much as he tries to we end up swapping positions so I sit on him. And that's how we were now. My legs over the arm rest, me in his lap and my head on his chest while his arms wrapped around me. He had his head rested against mine and was whispering to me, and I back. 

"I'm kinda over these movies" he said in my hair and pressed a kiss to my hair, leaving his face in the same place.

"Yeah, me too" I replied, yawning slightly. Harry moved his head so his chin rested on my head. He looked over at Liam and Niall, Liam's arms were wrapped  tightly around Niall's body and his head burried into his neck. "Maybe we could try again?" I turned my head to the side and kissed his jaw, then his cheek. 

"No" he replied simply and brought me up with him. "I'll carry you" he added and we walked into our bedroom and he placed me on our bed, then attached his oxygen to himself.

We both climbed under the blankets and Harry wrapped his arms around me. He brought us closer and pecked my lips a few times, smiling aferwards.

"Come on Harry, we can try again" I begged letting my hands slide down his bare torso to his boxer covered area.

"Louis I don't want to, okay. Drop it" he pulled away and turned around so I was facing his back. 

"Baby I'm sorry. Don't be mad please" I begged and put a hand on his shoulder to pull him back. "Harry" I pulled him back and he just looked at me, hurt and worried. "I'm sorry, we don't have to. We can cuddle, and kiss and..." I got cut off by his lips on mine moving softly and slowly. "And" I breathed out loosing my words from the daze of the kiss.

"No more speaking, just... Shh" I smiled and kissed him again. This was all I needed. Him and his presence, his kisses were sure nice too so I think I can live without sex for a little while longer. 

A/N I apologise this was so short and crappy. But as you know the others have been pretty long so this will hopefuly be the only short chapter

I have nearly caught up with my writing ahah. I um i've had a terrible night so far I'm jsut a fucking idiot thats for sure. enjoy

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