Chapter 55 ~ Mad Dashes

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When tea finished, everyone left. Giving us time to be alone with each other, after the night that happened we needed it.

We decided to watch movies all night, with no electronics. All phones were off and put in the kitchen as we sat as a family in the living room. Harry and I were on the couch together, me cuddled up to him and the girls sat on the ground in front of us. 

The first movie only just finished when Mikayla turned around and asked us questions that we've never really talked about, they just kind of knew.

"How did you two meet?" she asked and turned around. Lexi turned too, already excited for the answer.

"Well" Harry started. "I moved here when I was five, and Louis and I met when my family went on a picnic, we bumped into his family and that was the first time" he smiled at me.

"When did you realise you had feelings for each other?" Lexi asked next.

"It's hard for me to say, but Harry came over when were about sixteen. He sat on my bed and told me how he felt, and I guess I felt it too" I shrugged.

"How long have you had cancer?" Mikayla asked next. Harry and I both tensed, we're not good on this topic and it's hard for us to talk about, but they should know. 

"I had it since I was sixteen" Harry said, and even I didn't know that. "I left Louis when I was seventeen and went to London hospital to get treatment to cure it" 

"But it's come back?" Lexi interupted. We nodded.

"After five years of treatment I got told I was clean. Cancer free, it was the best day of my life, well was the best day of my life" Harry smiled. "When youu first started school Mikayla, was the first time I started feeling it again. I went to the hospital and got checked up on. It came back then"

"That was" she paused to quickly add how long ago. "Like, eight years ago" 

"Yes. They said they didn't know how long I had left. But I'm doing okay" he lied, I could see it in his eyes. Especially when a wave of pain washed over him. 

"Okay, can you explain this to us, because I'm still confused by it" Lexi interupted once Harry was back to his normal self. "You're both our dads, but Louis you're my real one and Jade's our mum?" 

"Yeah. You see, we were all at a stage where we wanted kids. I'm sure you two know by now two men can't have kids" they nodded, thank goodness I don't need to do the birds and the bees talk. "Well Jade wanted one as well, and we needed a surrogate, so she stepped up. She was involved in the whole raising of you two for a few years until she met Connor" 

"I get that, but like... How?" maybe I did need to.

"You see Lexi, there are different ways of having kids. Mikayla was made by me and Jade, but instead of the way you probably know, she had it inserted. Now, don't ask me anything about it, because I have no idea" Harry laughed.

"So what about me? How was I made if Mikayla was made like that?" she asked curiously. 

"We didn't have much money to do the same process" I told them. "So, we got together. Of course Harry knew about it, he wanted me to have a baby that was mine. But I would never do that again. It didn't feel right" 

They're faces scrunced up in the thought of their parents having sex but they got passed it and moved on. 

"So what about Connor?" 

"Your mum met Connor at our engagement party, they didn't speak to each other for about a year or two. But when they met again he was persistaint to make her stay" 

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