Chapter 1: 7 Years Later.....

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Sapphire POV

It's been 7 years since the incident of my clan. I was 5 years old back then too. I felt nothing back then. I didn't feel sadness or anger. I just felt like getting revenge. Now things have changed since then. I've been in Whale island since then to train and for another reason.


I was walking with my hood on through the night until a man came in front of me. I stopped walking and lifted my head to see who the man was.

When I saw the man, he had dark green spiked hair. When I had just stared at him, he smiled.

"My name is Ging Freecss, nice to meet you!" the man said.

"....." I said nothing to him since it wasn't necessary. I was about to walk away when he stopped me and asked me a favor.

"Can you go to Whale island and find a boy named Gon and take the hunter exam with him?" Ging asked.

"Why should I?" I said coldly to him.

"You'll find him interesting....." He said as he came to my ear and said," Nightkiller" and walked away.

I wasn't surprised but kept that promise and went to Whale island.

Flashback End

Ever since that night, I kept wondering what he had meant and I was about to find out. There are about 3 days left until the ship that will take us to the exam site will arrive. I took that time to explore the island and practice with my stick/staff.

2 Days Later

As I walked through the forest in the shadows since I prefer the dark than the light, I saw a dark-green spiked-hair kid that was about the same age as me fishing. I watched him as I hid in the trees.

"What is he fishing for?" I thought in my head even though I wasn't interested. I kept watching until a big fish came out of the lake and landed on shore.

" Yahoo! I caught The Lord of the lake!" I heard the boy yell as he cheered. I wasn't surprised or amused.

"Wow Gon! You caught it!" some of the villagers exclaimed.

"So he's Gon. Whatever" I thought in my head not amused and left to get my stuff for the big day.


"I caught it! I'm so happy!" I thought in my head as I jumped up and down. The villagers complimented me for my success. When I was walking back home, I saw a person walking away.

"Who is that person?" I thought in my head as I left to go back home.

Sapphire/Gon POV

"Tomorrow's the big day. The Hunter Exam!" They both thought in their head as they fell asleep.

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