Chapter 7: Cooking Time

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Nobody's POV

As the contestants entered through the gate, they saw two examiners. Those two examiners are Menchi and Buhara. Menchi then yelled to the contestants.

"Congrats on the first exam. The second exam will now begin!" The contestants than cheered for passing the first exam.

"Don't start cheering just yet!" Menchi yelled.

Everyone then silenced when they heard her speak again.

"Now then, the second exam will be!" Menchi yelled to everyone.

Every contestant then all murmured saying that they didn't know how to cook. Some even laughed on how cooking is going to help them become hunters.

Sapphire's POV

Cooking huh. I never cooked much less taste anything. I sighed.

"You guys will go cook pork. There's only one type of pig so go and bring it back!" Menchi announced.

I sighed and started walking into the forest leaving the rest of the group behind.


"Hey guys let's go!" They all agreed.

Before we left I looked around to find Sapphire missing.

"Have you guys seen Sapphire?" They all looked around to see no Sapphire.

Where is she? They all thought.

Sapphire POV

I walked around but stopped to see a giant pig eating bones. I was about to attack but thought to myself.

No weapons. I'll go buy new ones but I'll just summon my friend. Friend huh. I thought as I summoned the perfect guy for the job.

"Awaken from your slumber, I call upon Summer, Fox of the summer season!" I chanted as I called upon my female fox.

When she appeared, I smiled at her a little since I'm not use to it yet. She had a red coating, black coating at her paws and the tip of her tail, and finally she had brown eyes to go with it.

"What can I do for you milady?" She asked me.

I sighed and hit her in the head. She winced and growled a little at me. I looked at her and petted her on the head.

"Don't call me that. It's just me. Call me Sapphire ok?" I asked her as I smiled a little at her.

Summer's POV

"Don't call me that. It's just me. Call me Sapphire ok?" Sapphire asked me as she smiled a little at me.

"As you wish" I replied as I growled softly at her and rubbed my head at her hand.

"Now then...." Sapphire said as she got up from the ground.

"Please can you kill that pig? The stupid monsters in the swamp ate my weapons" She asked me.

"Of course mil-- I mean Sapphire" I said and went to the pig.

The carnivorous pig turned to me and ran for me. I took a deep breath before I ran at almost the speed of sound and bit the pig in the head. I took the dead animal and went to my master. She nodded and told me to follow her. I did as my master said and followed her back to the second phase exam location.

Menchi POV

As I was sitting on the couch bored to death, I saw a person coming up with a dead pig.

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