Chapter 2: New People

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Sapphire POV

I woke up the next morning getting ready for the departure of Whale island. I did some training since there are about 3 hours until the ship comes.

After I did my training, I went to change my clothes inside the cave I was in during my time in Whale island.

I wore my black jeans, my shirt with blood stains (permanent), my black jacket, my dark grey belt and beanie, my fingerless black gloves,my black and white headphones, and my black converse.

I packed my bag with weapons, food supplies, portable charger, and cards. I took my staff/stick, put my headphones on, and left the cave.

As I walk to the ship hiding in the shadows as much as possible, I spotted Gon and followed him to the ship.


I woke up real early since I was so excited for the hunter exam. I checked if I packed everything including my fishing pole, and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning Mito-san!" I said to my aunt.

"Good morning Gon" she replied back. I sat on my chair and started to gobble up my breakfast. After I finished eating, I left for the ship.

At the Port

I got on the ship and said my farewells to everyone.

"Bye Mito-san! When I come back, I'll be the number one hunter!" I yelled to Mito-san and the ship started to sail to sea.

I went back to board and saw two of the men's crew bully a man carrying a crate of green apples. I was about to stop them when the captain of the ship told them to go back to work. Before I went below deck, I saw the seagulls and sniffed the air.

"There's a storm coming and a big one" I said to the captain. The captain looked at me amused.

"How do you know?" he asked.

"The seagulls are telling me and also because I can smell it." I replied back. The captain nodded and told all of us to go below deck. Everyone obeyed and went below deck.

Below Deck (still Gon)

I went inside the deck and saw a lot of people. I saw a blonde guy laying on a hammock reading a book, a man in a business suit eating a apple, and I think a guy in black with a staff/stick listening to music.

I looked around and started to help people since all of them except the three were seasick. As I helped them, the captain called for us four and we all left to see the captain.

Sapphire POV

When I went below deck, I put my hoodie on, even though I had a beanie, and listen to music and fell asleep.

(Sapphire looks like a boy since she's wearing black and is covering her long brown hair)

I woke up, due to reflexes, when I heard that I had to go see the captain. I sighed then took my staff (I'm going to call it a staff from now on) and went to the captain's headquarters.

Captain's Headquarters

When I got there, I saw three guys. One was Gon, a blonde guy with the uniform of the Kurta clan (Sapphire knows the Kurta clan), and a man in a business suit with a suitcase. The captain came in front of us and observed us.

"I called you four here to answer my questions" the captain said. They all nodded except me.

" Tell me your names" he said.

"I'm Gon Freecss" Gon said as he smiled.

Why did Gon smile? I thought in my head confused.

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