Chapter 5: First Phase and a New Friend

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Sapphire POV

As I was walking, Gon and the rest came up to me.

" Hey Sapphire" Gon said as we kept walking. I turned to look at him.

"What troupe are you going after?" Gon asked me. I looked to see Kurapika looking at me with curiosity in his eyes.

I sighed and told Gon.

"None of your business" I told Gon. Gon sighed as Kurapika turned to talk to Leorio.

Once I told my response, the people ahead of us started to move faster. I looked to see Satotz picking up the pace.

So an endurance test. Wonder how long it will take. I thought in my head as me and Gon started running side by side together.

"Hey kid! Get off the skateboard and start running!" I heard Leorio yell. Me and Gon turned to see a white-haired boy riding a skateboard.

"Why?" He asked Leorio.

"It's an endurance test so you show some respect to the test!" Leorio yelled in response.

"Satotz said just to follow him. He's not cheating" Gon said to Leorio.

"Who side are you on?!" Leorio yelled/asked Gon. Gon sighed and kept running.

The boy on the skateboard came to us and asked Gon.

"I'm Killua. I'm twelve. What about you?" Killua said to Gon.

"I'm Gon! I'm twelve too!" Gon said to Killua in reply. Killua looked at me then back to Gon.

Killua POV

I looked at the person beside Gon. I turned to Gon and asked him about the person.

"Gon, who is he?" I asked Gon. Gon shivered when I asked but replied anyway.

"Her name is Sapphire." My eyes widened when he replied.

The boy is a she?! I thought in my head surprised.

"How old is she?" I asked Gon. Gon looked at me with wide eyes.

"I don't know actually. Sapphire, how old are you?" Gon asked Sapphire. She sighed before taking off her jacket and beanie and put it in her bag. Her staff got smaller and put that in the bag as well.

(She can make her staff longer or shorter)

" I'm twelve too" Sapphire muttered only loud enough for me and Gon to hear.

" Really?! Cool!" Gon yelled.


Nobody's POV

Many contestants dropped out due to exhaustion. Sapphire and the rest of the gang were still running since it wasn't over yet.

While they kept running, they saw stairs up ahead. The examiner, Satotz, was just skipping step by step skipping 2 steps of stairs at a time.

The gang were running up the stairs while Sapphire was skipping up the stairs like Satotz.

Sapphire POV

"Hey wanna have a race Gon?" Killua asking for a challenge.

"Sure! What about you Sapphire?" Gon asked me. I nodded since I never back down a challenge.

"Now losers have to pay dinner" Killua said. All of us nodded.

"On the count of three, one..." Killua started counting down.

The Wolf Clan ( Hunter x Hunter Killua Story) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now